Do we have any manga/anime fans other than me here? I started watching DBZ as a young teenager and a friend made me watch it on bootlegged vhs' from japan so we could watch it while listening to their cool voices lol. It made me realize how different anime and american animation really are. Even when the same show is edited and translated, the results feel like totally different shows, aimed at totally different age groups.
I know we've all dreamed about film/television adaptations for TSA, which is about as likely as Aurang dedicating himself to a life of abstinence in The Unholy Consult... anyway, I really think it could be taken seriously as an Anime. I'm not sure how one would go about trying to sell the idea in Japan but it just seems like it would be a good fit for an adaptation of the series, tentacle porn and all (I kid, I kid)
Anyway, if anyone else reads manga/manwa/webtoons or watches anime and wants to share rec's and stuff let me know you're interested... I only started reading manga and manwa a couple of years ago but since then I've read a hell of a lot of em lol.