General Misc. / Re: Quotes
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:15:42 am »Quote
2:1 - Wherefore are the Kings of thy nations, those who allege rulership over other Men, just as these same Men do allege rulership over the beasts of the land and the trees of the forest? Wherefore are the High Priests of thy wretched temples, who mock the birds of the air, or the misers, the moneylenders, who hoard all the precious gems and fine metals? Not a one of these worked for earnest betterment of their fellow man, and so it is they have vanished from the earth, gone below into the Pit that is the Dragon's Maw, and their souls given to my cruelest and most cunning daughter, and in wrath did she Judge. Know thee now righteous fear at last? Now, in the claws of the Black Lioness, She: my most clever and carnivorus daughter, that Mistress-of-Ashes, whose name Men know as Annhilation?- Divine Laws, the Enchiridion.
2:2 - And lo! see how others now arisen come to take their place...Will they recall their forerunners whose labours were beyond measure? Nay. This is the land where man wages war forever on his kinsmen without worthy cause, over and again. They do not learn even when my Laws have been set in the foundations of the world's beginning and although they may be allowed to bend, only my by hand can they be broken.
2:3 - See now how this land is burnt down? The souls are gathered as wheat from harvest and facing up like their forefathers did to that snarling visage of the Lioness, my daughter: the Lady-of-the-Crowns, Anaretar! whose eyes are lightning and whose roar is thunder, before which such wicked souls are stricken dumb, deaf, blind. Before her they know not how to atone; so it is that they are all of them eternally Damned.
"At the background of the Cosmos are the eternally spinning spheres of the Dau-Dei, expressed in the World as the primordial twins, as the Ensifera -- Sword-Bearer. Forever do they dance in perfect discord, and constantly they are at play as the life-breath of Creation. Therefore the Ensifera is not any special person, not confined to any specific country, race nor by any border. This is the highest secret of the Metaphysique, and it is full of science. In the formula of the Twins, the primeval human is qualified by the same quality as the God."- The Book of Singularities