Still not convinced. I will try to put out my thoughts. I'm erratic and in sore need of a reread. If the Celmomian Prophesy is the basis for their "knowledge" of needing Kellhus as an insertant, they are making some intense cognitive leaps (which I guess maybe I can't be expected to understand, them being Dunyain and all). All the prophesy says is an Anasurimbor will return at the end of the world. I don't think there's any more to it, since we are shown the scene where Celmomas says it to Seswatha. That's so vague, it could mean any of the many Anasurimbors running around, why decide on the most difficult to grab?
I would just like to say, yes 1000%.
So much weight is put onto the prophecy, both in the books and in discussion here/elsewhere. But the prophesy itself sucks. In all the iteration we get, it boils down to the section I bolded above. "An Anasurimbor" is the Harbinger of the end, the warning sign that the end is nigh.
If you allow for Kellhus being that Anasurimbor, which I think we aught, the prophecy is fulfilled once Kellhus shows up in the Three Seas halfway into TDTCB.
It most emphatically does not say that an Anasurimbor causes the end of the world.
Physics? This is Eärwa!
I mean, I am thinking this lack of Chorae is going to matter, but it definitely is unclear how or why. Especially since I am holding fast to my "Mimara answers the No-God" prediction, of course.
I agree that its more Gun than Herring. It seems a rather unnecessary red herring, and too strange a detail to just throw out there.
That said, they thought it was going to be Kellhus in there. Maybe hoping they could use some metagnosis translocation or something. Now that its Kelmomas who doesn't know any neat spells, it could be for naught and provide an avenue for defeat that wasn't available last time.
As I'm not sure the Heron Spear actually did anything last time, I do think its possible some kind of magic laser ballista scenario this time around with Akka pulling the trigger.