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Topics - Callan S.

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General Misc. / Quick Blade S-rank Killers
« on: April 18, 2018, 02:59:41 am »
A reflex test game and an idle game in one! Reflex game only takes 30 seconds for a try.

I've uploaded the newest version to Kongregate, here is the link:

Below is the original posts text with the old link.

Quick Blade S-rank Killers

A second derivative game, this one based more on a reflex test! A play takes as little as 30 seconds.

I suspect I borked up the score code in the last project, since not a single score has been shown. Hope to see the high scores working in this one.

General Misc. / Small derivative game in development
« on: March 19, 2018, 11:15:34 pm »
A small game inspired by the SA books. You're hunting S-rank for the bounties. It's certainly not a triple A studio game. A simple combat system of attack, block and strong block or after you've played active for awhile there's an idle option. But I am looking to develop more opponents and levels and then perhaps a greater setting event/story event also derived from the SA books. If people play it'll show it's on the right track and it's worth extending the track. Basically it also works as a medium for advertising the SA books as well.

I'm not quite sure if the tutorial links properly to the main game - if worst comes to worst, you can refresh the game and at the start press 's' to skip the tutorial.

S-rank Skinners

Philosophy & Science / 'Floating' meaning and music videos
« on: October 06, 2016, 07:26:54 pm »
I kind of look at music videos as a way of comparing a lot of other peacock feather activity in culture - a lot of 'look at my fitness indicators, they be fit!' indicators. I say it in a mocking way but with some affection (it's best to keep a sense of humor about things you care for, I think)

Okay, if I were to plot this in tribal terms though - ie, to think where would the behavior be applicable if we were to go back ten thousand years - well, to me dancing around and displaying would be something you do when you have a very solid food supply. Indeed, in order to show you have a very solid food supply (as dancing requires calories, so it's a fairly strong proof demonstration - the starving don't dance).In this context I'd consider this a reasonably functional behavior, myself.

So we can take it in the tribal context that
1. The dancer has a good food supply that they control - enough that they can burn calories on dancing
2. They are dancing - indeed, dancing about their food supply control

So, back to music videos. Taking it to be fitness display behavior and that's why the music and dance is worth a damn to watch. But what about number 1?
1. ?
2. They are dancing and singing

Okay, so maybe you like the band who is in the music video. Okay, so how do they get their food - how do they control their food supply? What is fit about them?

Apart from appearing fit so you buy their CD's and they use that money to buy food and mansions/more display stuff. Which, you realise, has nothing to do with actually being fit - it just has to do with triggering your sense of fitness when that's not the situation at all.

So meaning floats, sheered away from it's anchor #1, that rested in owning a food supply.

Author Q&A / Would 'You EAMD, bro?' be a funny t-shirt?
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:04:49 am »
[Post left intentionally blank, even if post intentional]

General Misc. / Here's an interesting riddle
« on: August 12, 2016, 06:35:43 pm »
Multiple Choice: If you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?
A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 60%
D) 25%

I went through a few stages on this one, myself.

Literature / Are there acratic readers amongst fantasy readers already?
« on: August 09, 2016, 02:23:25 am »
I was reading this :

And this line stood out for me "which is why he can expend virtually an entire book’s worth of words on “Sam and Frodo get to Mordor eventually.”"

Ie, he treats it as if Sam and Frodo couldn't just, like, die or have the ring nicked off them or whatever along the way.

A sort of just world fantasy where they are sure a just result will occur - and yet they still find some sort of trepidation and drama in the description of the characters getting past the 'hazards' of the world. Using scare quotes because if they WILL make it there, then those aren't hazards.

So part of them thinks the hazards are genuine

While another part of them thinks the pair will definitely make it - like it's a sure thing.


I presume story events like Ned Starks death were attempts to crack this bullshittery.

General Misc. / Waiting til Sep 27, seems
« on: July 16, 2016, 05:17:58 am »
So I went for a conventional book order for TGO here in Australia. I'm told September 27th is the release date here. So pity my slightly longer slog! :)

Awful question :- In trying to write myself a problem I've run into is simply heading towards having the protagonists have tasks to do that...are really just tasks. Hurdles that fill out page count - and it seems really empty to me (or at least I have a problem with it)

I recently thought of having tasks tied to themes (maybe that should be obvious?). Except perhaps the problem had been that how do physical tasks tie into ideas/philosophical notions - climbing a mountain doesn't exactly change an idea, does it? Which is possibly what I have always had trouble with in my writing - nothing (physical) seems to affect anything (philosophical). So what to write about that isn't the same as writing a story about grinding in world of warcraft? And you can't spin a yarn with just pure philosophical musings (or at least it ceases to be a yarn - when my goal is to write a yarn). eventually struck me that characters wrecking the shit of some faction with a differing philosophy to them is some kind of physical act that interacts with theme. Basically the other philosophical faction has 10 things important to part of it's plan - great, if I can do 100 words on a character wrecking each one, then that's 1k words, lol! Does that cut the mustard? Or am I back to trying to write stories about really cool grinding events (which can work if willing to go to utter flattery...)

Just trying to get writing tips without paying for a class - learn'n fur frees! Told you it was a bad question!  :o

Author Q&A / Are we now howling at a gate?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:33:16 am »
The count of answers have fallen beneath the prophesied number - have the gates closed?

(It's kind of terrible to ask, I know, since Scott says he doesn't keep up with family and friends enough, asking for fan attention is probably wrong - but, still gunna ask anyway! lol!)

General Misc. / 'So I must have bought a used ARC...'
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:04:01 pm »
So it had a really tatty cover and I thought it was just one of the earlier books. But then I read it and it has this bit where...I think this soldier had betrayed someone, so in retribution they ambushed him and in the ways of old, flayed him with snakes - then plied the snakes on him after he had dropped. He killed one but was left unconscious in the end.

And I thought, I've never read this before! And I look at the cover and it's an ARC! I had just been flipping through and I figure I better buy this!

But some of you have read the ARC and YOU have never read this, right?

That's because this was my actual dream last night...

Sorry for the spoilers for dream edition of TUC!

('kills one and is left unconcious'?? What a hack! It's like I was asleep while writing that one...)

Author Q&A / Were your D&D games as heavy as the books?
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:53:02 am »
And how did the players cope with continued play without getting PTSD??

Author Q&A / A guest TPB post by...
« on: June 25, 2016, 10:42:31 pm »
Ok, so the ideas at TPB are kind of high falutin' and it's a bit of a tree house - what does your wife think of all this? Treating the ideas as 'out there', it'd be good to get away from out there space for awhile with a grounded perspective on the matter. It does feel that the ideas are far away from general consensus/quorum and presumably as she lives with you she's probably worked out some kind of way of harmonising it with more down to earth thinking to some extent, if that makes sense? Or if it seems terrible somehow, this post never happened!  :o

Author Q&A / The white luck warrior and free will
« on: June 25, 2016, 06:18:34 am »
How can the white luck warrior know in his future that muggers will attack him in an alley (and notch his sword) of those muggers have free will? Is the theme of determinism being raised in this?

Author Q&A / How does the no god block souls from being born?
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:03:25 pm »
Is it some kind of reverse of unarcane ground? Everything become extra mundane ground - without being limited to a certain range? I'm just rationalising reasons here - can any word be given before the end?

Ie, the salting of sorcerers - they become vulnerable to chorae salting shortly after their initial castings, if I understand correctly. How so? Is it like the vandalism of graffiti and there's a lot of back blast of paint, so to speak, or something? And the paint begins to replace them?

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