I am just wondering if anyone remembers any schools that are primarily norsirai?
Mandate: recruited from Nroni
Scarlet Spires: recruited from Ainoni
Saik: " " Nansur
Vokalati (spelling?): " " Nilnameshi
Cishaurim: " " Kianene
Mysunsai: ?
Swayal Compact: probably the only truly diverse school
Hell, even the College of Luthymae is probably mostly Nansur
I guess technically the consult is mostly norsirai
Also, I kind of remember Akka mentioning minor schools but never actually naming any. I also find it odd that Atrithau and Sakarpus dont have schools. Youd think that being as threatened by sranc as they are they would be ok with any advantage they can get, tusk or not.