« on: April 02, 2018, 07:49:41 pm »
It would be reasonable to think that if the Inchies brought damnation with them, they would want to keep the source of that damnation to themselves. With the IF as the goad, they want to escape the fate it foretells, and deceit is a useful way to manipulate the natives to do what they want without knowing it i.e. to goad the Nonmen into Ajokli's damnation, perhaps hoping to postpone their own inevitable fall while they seek a solution. Once the Consult come up with the NG, they deploy it too soon - the plan goes awry and Seswatha etc. do their thing and win the day - resetting everything back to the status quo, with Ajokli continuing to reap souls and the Inchies/Consult back to square one. However, for a time the NG did work - no more souls born, and I think as a counterpart, no more souls going to Hell. So they bide their time, the Consult find ways to use tekne to extend their lives indefinitely while coming up with a better plan - seeds sewn by the original Ajokli deception lead to the events of the SA and Resumption. The manner of the events in the GR would suggest to me that Ajokli is as unexpected to the Consult as he is unseen by Kel, and only the ultimate blind soul of Kelmomas is the joker in the pack, unwittingly and unexpectedly firing up the Sarcophagus - the Consult simply took advantage of providence.
Sorry for the wall of text and the jumble of ideas, this is very steam of conciousness at the moment! It also explains references to Ajokli being different to other gods, references of him as the trickster - I think that the Inchies have always had that in their 'nature', the potential deceit of Men through the Tusk (a vehicle to include Ajokli in the Earwan pantheon), the deceit of the Nonmen with the Womb Plague/Innoculation, the drawing of the Ordeal to Dagliash and the hidden nuke, etc etc. showing their 'trickiness'.
So to try and make sense of all I just wrote - Ajokli is the god of the Inchies, and not native Earwan, and he is essentially the god they deserve, his damnation being a reflection of their extreme hedonism and almost a karmic result of how they live.