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Messages - Camlost

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Writing / Wheel of Osheim Writing Contest
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:35:17 pm »
Looks like a flash fiction contest. Not sure what more to say. Win a signed book?

Literature / Re: The Black Company - Glen Cook
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:19:20 pm »
The first three books of The Black Company saga are amazing in my opinion. The following two are really good, but it started to taper off for me after that. I think it has to do largely with the narrator and narration. I found it easy to follow along with Croaker.
Both Erikson and Bakker have cited him as an antecedent.
Doesn't matter what order you read them in, once you've read both it is impossible not to recognize how much the Black Company inspired the Bridgeburners.
I liked the writing and was intrigued by the magic and The Ten(?)
As someone who typically craves systematic magic--else it become plot device--I absolutely loved Cook's ability to leave utterly everything unexplained but still manage to define just enough that the reader can easily delineate sorcerous rank where none is imposed. Example being, there is no doubt that the Ten Who Were Taken are unrivaled, and that he who "took" them is superior to them.

The Almanac: TAE Edition / Re: The Slog TJE - Chapters 4-6 [Spoilers]
« on: March 15, 2016, 01:43:19 am »
Camlost, quit pissing in my Cheerios, lol! I did indeed forget about Kel. As to your other point, Sorweel/Yatwer, Akka/Anagke, Kel/Ajokli, Cnaüir/Gilgoal, is there any other we are forgetting
Don't fret, I brought Fruit Loops  :D

I tried to mark as many of the Hundred while reading PoN. I only noticed six or seven, the only other coming to mind being Momas.

I think it's possible that Kelmomas, and maybe Akka himself, are other strokes against Kellhus by the Hundred. Maybe Sorweel is a feint.
This begs the question who among the Hundred are for or against Kellhus. Also, perhaps loosely related, might some have them been already working towards whatever their ends may be previous to TAE.

The Almanac: TAE Edition / Re: The Slog TJE - Chapters 4-6 [Spoilers]
« on: March 14, 2016, 09:16:47 pm »
Furthermore,  going back to my quote about Kellhus sending Mimara,  it makes further sense. Akka thanks the Whore for sending Mimara and prompting his trip to Marrow because the Ordeal is on the March. I'd speculate that this is the exact time Kellhus needs Akka to get off his rump and take Mimara wherever they need to go. So, not the Whore, Kellhus.
I think it's probably worth noting here that it is in fact Kelmomas which ultimately pushes Mimara to leave the Andiamine Heights. Little Kel makes an effort to avoid papa Kel too because the latter can sound the former. Kelmomas--whether you want to attribute it to the Voice or intellectual intuition--seems very aware of his father's capabilities, so I have a bit of a hard time reconciling that Kellhus is operating at several removes and through his youngest son to put Akka in the right place at the right time. But then again it's so hard to determine to what extent Kellhus is orchestrating things.

But since I put forth a haphazard theory on a god using Kelmomas, I'm going to just throw this behind it too. It does raise the question whether there is dissension among the gods and ultimately relies on some of them working in conjunction. Perhaps the gods favour--in a direct sense--or even pick avatars, if you will: Akka being one such example for Fate, perhaps Cnaiur for War (though Gilgaol features quite prominently in PoN). I might just be rambling now though, so dissect and undermine

Author Q&A / Re: The First Apocalypse
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:24:20 pm »
Take as long as you need and charge as much as you want, if you write a Silmarillion style epic of the First Apocalypse, I will buy it!

The Almanac: TAE Edition / Re: The Slog TJE - Chapters 1-3 [Spoilers]
« on: March 09, 2016, 10:57:21 pm »
When the grimaced, their blank and beautiful faces were clenched like crumpled silk, becoming expressions of ancient and inbred men
I can't even recall why, but after my first reading I was left with the impression that the Sranc might not have originally be a product of the Techne. This phrase just reminded me of it. Maybe more evidence will arise to persuade me I'm not completely off on this one. I doubt it though :)

    "Scalper!" the lone traveller cried out. His voice possessed the gravel of an old officer's bawl.

A clue as to the identity of the traveler perhaps?
As I've already written somewhere on this forum, I think traveller is Sarl. First of all, his voice is the only one described in the book (several times) as "gravelly". Secondly, Ironsoul's only companion in prologue is a cowled figure (Cleric). Later Sarl tells Achamian that he's been with Kosoter for many years, but of course he can be lying.
I thought I'd weigh in with a few more details to obfuscate everyone's reading a little more.
"Veteran," the traveller said, bowing his head in due respect....
"How did you find us?" the man asked in his native tongue....
The traveller did not care. Men prized what they would.
"We find everyone."
Sarl seems to be older than the Captain by my interpretation, likely making him a Veteran as well. I thought it worth noting that the traveller speaks Ainoni. I feel like this wouldn't be mentioned if the shift in language were not meant to signify something; perhaps a fluency for language in this case? Lastly, the traveller muses "Men" as something different from himself.

He suspects, the secret voice whispered. Suspects what? That you are make-believe.

Trying to make sense of this just has my mind going in circles. Who or what the voice is? What in the world does this even mean? I have no clue who the voice is truly, I have always leaned towards it being Sammy though...
I'm still holding my verdict on the voice. I can't recall quite where (I'll try to dredge it up later), but there is a comment along the lines that the Gods don't happen all at once. Between the two series there is a distinct transition from the oft mentioned Gilgaol (whether by lieu of our perspective in PoN) to Yatwer in this series. At the moment I'm consider that Kel is a broken vessel and one of the Gods is trying to push some influence on the Inside by giving the impression they are Sammy

Kellhus did a interesting thing with the Mandate, he tricked Akka to not telling them of his presences until he had enough to bargin with them as equals. Kellhus may do the same thing with the Consult. He could show up at Golgotterath with TGO and a ultimatum, "Ill drive the No-God and show you how its done."

Ever since reading TJE and learning that the final book in TAE series would be called The Unholy Consult, I've been convinced that Bakker is just being clever and using a name we're all familiar with to mask a secondary meaning for the title; namely that Kellhus has crossed the span of the world to consult with the Consult on unholy things (ie, sorcery and damnation). As it has already been said, a world closed to the Outside is certainly a better environment in which to pursue the Absolute

Writing / Write a Novel online course
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:49:22 pm »
So someone sent me a Groupon they received and it happened to be for an online course designed to facilitate and guide someone in writing a novel. Generally, I'm pretty skeptical of any such course that would espouse the ability to teach someone to write a novel, but after a cursory glance at the course description and structure I was admittedly intrigued. Whether I believe that the course can accomplish what it claims, I do believe it is of value to consider, if not accept, the advice of those who have been before and done what you aim to do.

Here's the thing that really solidified it for me. The course is £400. The Groupon is $39 (CAD I believe, but even if it were USD that's a steal). I was willing to spend that kind of money for hours of content considering I've spent more than that for less in other instances.

In any case, I mention it here for any others that might be interested. In addition, they included a referral link with my purchase. If you're interested, check it out: You can save an additional $14 if you purchase before January 24.

Even if you don't buy, I'll likely post any particularly interesting information that I uncover while delving more into it.

I just wanted to address those on the Slog without derailing any other discussions. I wanted to take a moment to apologize for my absence. I rallied you all and dragged you into the wilderness and went mia. Not cool in my books (unintentional pun, really not that funny though).

For some reason or another I had thought having December off school would better lend my attention to other activities. That was somewhat the case, but they ended up being diverted into work--the pleasures of retail at Christmas--I digress though.

In any case, I'm back. I'm nearly caught up in my reading and I'll be making some backposts for any who are interested.

Again, sorry boys

General Misc. / Re: Rick and Morty
« on: January 09, 2016, 11:29:08 pm »
This just flashed up on my Facebook feed and I knew there would be a few folks here that wouldn't mind a shot at it:

I suppose that's plausible. It seems like a lot of work, but I wouldn't put anything past a Dunyain

The emissary drew back his cowl, pulling it wide over his shoulders... His bald scalp was pale, shockingly so, and his face was dominated by the black sockets beneath his brow. Eyeless faces always unnerved Xerius

After reading the Maithanet-Skaurus exchange, I'm a lot more willing to believe that Moe was checking up on Kellhus back in Leweth's cabin. Also, as I said before, I think there is more back story to Leweth's character that is not narratively essential. I'd be willing to bet Moe was complicit in the death of Leweth's wife and his subsequent flight into the wilderness

Quick question, it may have been addressed somewhere else but if it has I can't recall it. How does Moe recognize skin-spies? I might be mistaken but I thought the explanation for Kellhus recognizing them is more or less that he physically sees them, that they form a simulacrum of a face that is incongruous with everything he has been taught and that difference betrays them. But how does Moe recognize them with his eyes put out? I wouldn't doubt that he knew Skaeos was a skin-spy from espionage and intellect, but can he recognize a new one? Can he perceive the absence of a soul much the way the Few perceive the bruising of the Onta? 

Thanks for getting ahead on the Slog MSJ; and thanks Wilshire for keeping up lol.

The first time I read this series, this passage is what got me hooked. It was unlike anything I'd read before, and was struck by terror and wonder all at the same time. I love this description of a Earwan schoolman.
Every time I reread this series I find more affirmations as to why it is my absolute favourite. I'll never forget the first time I read about Skafra and Seswatha duking it out above a burning city. Ahh memories.. (feel free to capitalize Som  ;))

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