No. I tell you this because I truly know very little. The Judging Eye is a folk legend, like the Kahiht or the White-Luck Warrior , notions that have been traded across too many generations to possess any clear meaning …”“I can see the fear in your eyes, old man. You think me cursed!” The Wizard regards her for several unblinking heartbeats. Worry. Pity. “Aye … I think you are cursed."
I have a feeling Akka is wrong here. I don't believe that Mimara is cursed, I have serious reservations about wether or not it will result in a stillbirth. I do really, really like @themerchant's theory that Chorae a tied to the souls of the unborn and makes plenty of sense. Mimara says that she has always had the JE and I know Akka goes on to explain that by the God of Gods, Mimara's life has already been lived. But, as Akka says all the knowledge he has is basically wives tales, which is unreliable.
But, this lead me to another thought. If your life has been lived through the eyes of the God of Gods, I'm sure Kellhus has deduced this. I believe Kellhus's eventual plan is to give humanity free will and honestly, to stop the 100 from interfering in their lives. I believe he has a twofold plan, to defeat the Consult and shut out the Outside at the same time. I'm not the first to say this, but I believe he is prepping Proyas for his death.
Now, there is a possibility that somehow how he doesn't shut the Outside. Rather, kills (i can think of no better word) all of the 100 and he ascends to awake The True God (the one that slumbers from his and Moe's convo.). I believe as other have said, maybe even Bakker himself, his goal is to make Earwa a meaningless world. No sorcery and such. Eh, my thoughts are so jumbled because this just hit me. I will try and explain better when I have the time.