A guest TPB post by...

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Callan S.

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« on: June 25, 2016, 10:42:31 pm »
Ok, so the ideas at TPB are kind of high falutin' and it's a bit of a tree house - what does your wife think of all this? Treating the ideas as 'out there', it'd be good to get away from out there space for awhile with a grounded perspective on the matter. It does feel that the ideas are far away from general consensus/quorum and presumably as she lives with you she's probably worked out some kind of way of harmonising it with more down to earth thinking to some extent, if that makes sense? Or if it seems terrible somehow, this post never happened!  :o


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« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2016, 01:04:57 pm »
The whole blog, you could say, is devoted to finding out what works. So long as you hew to that, so long as you refuse to let the theory drive your interpersonal relationships, then there's really no problem. There's fundamentally nothing wrong with the meaning we use, just the meaning we philosophical wankers like to talk about.

Callan S.

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« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2016, 03:28:01 am »
I'm not sure I really engage the higher faluting ideas myself - but more out of lazyness than deliberate quarantine.

But apart from naturally differing levels of interest in engaging such ideas, there does seem to be a problem in the various fitness indicators in general society in relation to actual survival fitness. Ancient fitness indicators being shown simply to trigger acquisition of funds, the invisibility of this facade being the true fitness of such a system. This isn't even that high a falutin' idea - it's not really getting into 'What is meaning, omg!?' and yet it's not a discussed thing. It's an alien idea in general culture, it seems - the idea of there even being 'fitness indicators' is something alien in it's perspective, in general culture. And it's exhausting. It's not even the really cray cray stuff and it's still exhausting, this lack of a bridge between two perceptions. Being lazy, I wanted to see what bridges others may have built and to crib from those notes.


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« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2016, 07:38:49 pm »
As someone remarked once somewhere, it's much easier being stupid today than back in hunter-gatherer societies. Then again, the range and scope of things we have to engage today is far vaster. The world overwhelms us...

That said in regards to what Callan said, I am curious how do you people engage with run of the mill folks, being armed with all these factoids, theories and beliefs? A friend of mine (a dedicated Psych major in NA terms) uses the tools and techniques of her trade for making sales, but outside business she refrains from using it as best she can. She fails miserably of course, she routinely manipulates her girlfriend though she isn't aware of it. I haven't even clued her in on the side of Bakker, Watts and latest in NSC and CogSci, partly because I'm afraid of her skill with actual intent. I struggle myself not to be overly exploitative of people in the dark, to be honest.
“Because you’re a pious man born to a world unable to fathom your piety. But all that changes with me, Akka. The old food pyramids have outlived the age of their intention, and I have come to reveal the new. I am the Slimmest Path, and I say that you are not damned.”