Some kinda game idea brewing

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Callan S.

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« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2016, 12:20:33 am »
No suggestions for what would be iconic images in TSA?


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« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2016, 01:03:51 pm »
That site has a lot of options! I feel like it would take lot of time to look through enough of them to pick something.

You might bother Somnambulist to make a circumfix or tusk similar to those buttons. He might be agreeable to that.

Circumfix could be something simple like a circle with an X through it.
Or a chorae which could just be a white circle within the black background.
Tusk could be a tilda (or whatever ~ is called).
If there is a tree in there, that might be good.

These are all the things I can think of as far as simple imagery that might be hidden somewhere on that site.

(Previous, I was trying to think of imagery for putting on the back of books should I go about binding more than just TDTCB, and those are pretty much what I came up with - I think they may be simplified  enough to be made into a button and/or common enough to already exist somewhere)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 01:06:58 pm by Wilshire »
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Callan S.

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« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2016, 01:54:24 am »
This might make a good tusk icon if the strap is edited out :

Stalk would be good, but I can't find anything like a stalk in there - closest is perhaps the two feather icon to represent the holy stalk and the way the gods see through them (? if I remember my lore correctly) :

Snakes on a game :

Though I'd be tempted to use ouboros :
Might use that as the 'return to previous menu' icon.

Kind of like the forest icon, to escape the singularness of the other icons and enter the plural :

Kind of like the starkness of the stone tower :

I am tempted by the siege tower, for various story historical reasons though :

Chorae? :

Made my own circumfix, should be attached

I'm thinking of including a 'goal' screen latter on, where you choose from a list a goal that seems to suit. For example right now I'm sort of aiming for a 'start from nothing, just scratching together whatever you can while in s-rank infested territory', but another goal might be 'get into some s-rank slaying'. So you'd go straight to fighting. Come to think of it the game 'Unreal world' had options like this for players to choose what they were doing as well.

Anyway right now I'm aiming for the 'start from nothing' goal. Like just searching to find a stout bit of wood to serve as a staff is a trial in itself. Then finding young, lone s-rank is a trial because adults or those in groups would be deadly at this point.

The whole 'Fight straight away' goal would start with a geared up character, but miss out on some of the benefits a survivor of the 'start with nothing' gets.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 02:12:36 am by Callan S. »


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« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2016, 12:37:51 pm »
Those look great. Granted, I'm 100% bias because I submitted the ideas and know exactly what each is supposed to be... But I really like them. Also, great avatar.
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Callan S.

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« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2016, 03:01:34 am »
Okay, I have a work in progress uploaded! It's surprising how long things take!

Several warnings here, lol! First, it's text based (I kind of wanted to go for a book feeling). Also really I'd suggest people who are into playtesting are the ones to play it - it's very short at the moment (as I've finished the basics of play structure and have just started to use that). Plus side of playtesting is that you can throw your ideas at me and there's a chance your ideas will end up in a game! Or at some point maybe an NPC named by you?

Anyway, out to the wilds ye go, mine little game! What find ye in that no mans land, aye?