Also, it's funny. In the AMA Bakker seemed surprised that (some) people didn't realize that Momas was the cause of the earthquake, rather than Yatwer. I wonder Kellhus's line here is meant to clarify that, which indicates not only that Momas is sending the tsunami, but also that he was responsible for the earthquake as well.
Maybe the Gods are so tricky to figure out partially because the World is seemingly a separate entity, or perhaps an amalgamation of all the Gods. Affixing "earth powers" to Yatwer felt straightforward given all the symbolism, but then she isn't an earth goddess, rather a fertility one. A subtle but important distinction. Of course, it also makes sense in retrospect that Momas and the sea would be responsible (if such a word can even be applied to the Gods) for the quake/tsunami, but it does make me re-think my view of the Gods in general.
And if the World is a separate entity, have we observed its presence? Is it the Zero-God Koringhus apprehends? Is it the Darkness that comes before? Shauriatas? Or just the God of Gods itself -- and if so, what the hell is the Zero-God then? Let alone the No-God.
Many great forces are in play to some degree, most of which we know little to nothing about, and that's excluding the regular old Gods and Ciphrang and Wights and so on. I feel like some these things are the same entity under different names/interpretations (the Zero-God certainly seems like the "expression" of the Darkness, in some sense), but who can say?