My eyes hurt too much to read the whole thing, but from that quote what I interpret is that normies are stupid and that 'common sense' is some arbitrary bullshit 
I don't know, if you told me before I took a class on statistics that Pi would figure into the Normal Distribution I'd feel a bit of wonder...OTOH when I was presented with this fact it didn't strike me in any way. Circles -> Curves -> Normal Probability Distribution Curve all seem to follow without any scent of the transcendental...
I have in the past wondered if Wigner is overstating the incredible-ness of the math-science relation, but in the face of Meillassoux's Hyper Chaos it does [seem] rather amazing that not only do we have a stable reality but this reality is intelligible to [largely hairless] monkeys who, as Chomsky put it, evolved to survive a particular ecological niche not solve mysteries of the universe.
Wigner gets into this a bit in the essay itself, noting 'it is not at all natural that "laws of nature" exist, much less that man is able to discover them'.