Internal chronology error in the first chapters?

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« on: November 02, 2024, 09:12:43 pm »
Hi, everyone.

I'm from Italy and I'm a huge fan of Bakker's masterpiece since the first book was out.

A few days ago, Italian publishing house Mondadori finally released an omnibus containing the entire first trilogy and so I'm re-reading The Prince of Nothing in my native language.

I have a question, a detail I didn't notice during my first reading, twenty years ago: in Chapter 2, in late winter, Year-of-the-Tusk 4110, Achamian returns to the Mandate School in Atyersus and then he's sent to Sumna, trying to understand the target of the incoming crusade.

Chapter 3, starting with Achamian's arrival in the Holy City, is set in the early spring of the same year. As far as I know, Earwa's seasons are similar to ours, so winter should be a year's final season.

How's that possible, then? Shouldn't Chapter 3 be set in 4111? Or Chapters 1 and 2 set in 4109?

Thank you so much for your help.


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« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2024, 10:36:42 pm »
Probably depends on where you're from, but seasons in a year can go like this: Winter - Spring - Summer - Fall - Winter. Such as, December would be a winter month, and so would be January and February. So winter is sorta bisected by the New Year, a chunk of it in the previous year, and a chunk in the new.

In your example, say, Achamian arrived at the Mandate School in January 4110 (winter), stayed for a bit, then left for Sumna and arrived there in, say, March 4110 (spring).