Earwa > The Warrior-Prophet

Kellhus and the No-God

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Wilshire ---That description is rather confusing to me.

"Dreams followed. Dark tunnels, weary earth."
So wondering around (inside i guess) golgoterath...

"A ridge, curved like a sleeping woman’s hip, against the night sky."
Now we're outside it, and the curved hip nonsense is just a hill right? Not exactly talking about the arc, but rather where its at

"And upon it two silhouettes" ...
The horns.

"...black against clouds of stars, impossibly bright."
Uh the horns are black and the "clouds of stars" are bright. That confused me for a while

"The figure of a man seated, shoulders crouched like an ape, legs crossed like a priest."
So there is some fella sitting near/above/between/in front of the big ship?

"And a tree with branches that swept up and out, forking across the bowl of the night."
Since when where there trees. I thought there where no trees there.

"And about the Nail of Heaven, the stars revolved, like clouds hurried across winter skies."
Shit ton of stars spinning around the Nail. Got that much already.

"Framed by the wheeling heavens, the figure spoke, a million throats in his throat, a million mouths in his mouth …"
Clear No-God reference.


"The silhouette stood, hands clasped like a monk, legs bent like a beast."
So this time the silhouette is not Golgotterath but the fella that was sitting like a monkey-priest. Now his arms are priestly (was going to say monkly but that would be confusing) and his legs are the beast [reminds me of sranc a bit]. I guess I can appreciate that inversion but its confusing.

blah blah

"Whole worlds wailed in terror."
Worlds plural. Interesting. [Back, and to the left, there must have been a second spitter.]

Anyone care to tell me if that was about right?
--- End quote ---

What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---+1. You might have also highlighted the fact that Kellhus' fixed perspective is mentioned.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Wilshire ---
--- Quote from: Madness ---+1. You might have also highlighted the fact that Kellhus' fixed perspective is mentioned.
--- End quote ---
--- End quote ---

What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---"And Kellhus stared at the figure, stared at the tree, but he could not move."

You broke everything else down so nicely, excepting: seems to me that Kellhus can be neither tree nor monk-like figure.
--- End quote ---

What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Wilshire ---indeed I did.

"And Kellhus stared at the figure, stared at the tree, but he could not move. The firmament cycled, as though night after night passed without day."

Figure.. same guy as before.
Whats with the tree. Oh maybe its back to reality with the tree nonsense. He is seeing the tree that he is hanging from... that could make sense.
Night after night.... could be his repeated waking up at night IRL and always dreaming of the night whilst asleep. So he is spinning around the tree watching the night stars spin around him, and in his dreams the sky continues to turn although (dreaming) he is not moving.
--- End quote ---


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