Meppa is X

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« on: May 22, 2013, 08:01:43 pm »
Quote from: Curethan
Who dat Meppa guy?  Speculate.  Pretend you have proof. 
100 cool points for whomever is proved correct if he turns out to have been someone previously named in the texts.

I'll go with the crazy powerful guy (whatshisnameagain?) who faced off with Aurang and Shauritas in the False Dawn.

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« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 08:01:56 pm »
Quote from: Li'l Mog
Titirga? Man, that guy was only in one short story, and he's already one of the more badass characters in the series.

If I've got to guess somebody we've already seen as being Meppa I'm going with that one random kid. You know, that kid trying to gather salt from the remains of sorcerers after the final battle. Why draw our attention to him?

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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:18 pm »
Quote from: lockesnow
Quote from: Curethan
Who dat Meppa guy?  Speculate.  Pretend you have proof. 
100 cool points for whomever is proved correct if he turns out to have been someone previously named in the texts.

I'll go with the crazy powerful guy (whatshisnameagain?) who faced off with Aurang and Shauritas in the False Dawn.
I think I crackpotted that as well. :D

I do think Tirtirga survived, and plotted the creation of an ascetic philosophical cult later known as the Dunyain...

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« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:25 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Oh you guys, Nerdaneling away.

I'm always for my Meppa is either Moenghus the Elder or one of Moenghus' sect of Cishaurim, neuropunctured into some Metapsuhkari.

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« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:32 pm »
Quote from: sciborg2
Meppa is one of Big Moe's Cish. I don't think it's anything more than that. If he was Big Moe himself, he'd have the Scylvendi scars.

He's likely there to kill Fayanal at the right moment.

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« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:39 pm »
Quote from: lockesnow
yeah I don't think Meppa is Moe unless Moe has figured out how to transfer his soul to a new body.

Crackpot: Meppa is a skin spy, but Moe has wrested control of the body and transferred his soul into it in order to survive death.

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« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:46 pm »
Quote from: lockesnow
new crackpot: Meppa is Inrau, he had a Fane-like Conversion after surviving the fall and journeying through the desert.  Maithanet converted him, actually, using some dunyain trickery (and also faked his death).

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« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:53 pm »
Quote from: The Sharmat
That is impossible, but the best crackpot I've ever seen.

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« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2013, 08:02:59 pm »
Quote from: Triskele
Keep in mind that he is described as having nut brown skin, so any Moe theories have to have some really impressive crackpot like getting into another body. 

Also, Meppa seems to very much believe in The God, and his Water is wicked-strong which follows our understanding of how passion is the key for using the Psukhe. 

My best guess is that he's one of the incandati.  We know that there are nine of them, or we at least know that the SS believed that there were nine of them.  Did they all take the field at Shimeh?  Did Meppa survive the battle and get amnesia or was he never on the field at all?

The one thing that I think is strange is that in the little glimpse that we get in WLW it does not appear like there is any effort to train more Cish.  If I had one like Fanayal has, I would think I'd be desperate to get some more.  The only alternative that I can think of is perhaps they believe that striking the Empire now represents their best chance, so they're going all in.

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« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2013, 08:03:06 pm »
Quote from: The Sharmat
Does anyone recall how old Meppa is described as being?

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« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2013, 08:03:13 pm »
Quote from: Armitage
Another crackpot idea: Meppa is Xinemus.

Complicating factors include that Xinemus is dead (and we, through Achamian, watched him die), that his body was burned (I don't think we witnessed this), and that he was not known to be one of the Few.

But, if those slight obstacles can be overcome, it's possible to construct a plausible arc in which the Inrithi Marshal of Attrempus becomes the Last Cishaurim. By the time of his death, Xinemus has been blinded -- a prerequisite for harnessing the Psûkhe. He's become more passionate, to the point of insanity, and thus has the potential to be strong in the Psûkhe. And he has lost faith in Kellhus, having realized Kellhus cannot heal.

As regards appearance, Meppa has nut-brown skin and white hair. Xinemus is Ketyai and about the same age as Achamian, so both skin and hair match.

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« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2013, 08:03:19 pm »
Quote from: Triskele
Quote from: The Sharmat
Does anyone recall how old Meppa is described as being?

I think that we are told that he has white hair, but we're not told more than that as far as I can recall in terms of things that would reveal age.

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« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2013, 08:03:25 pm »
Quote from: Bastard of Godsgrace
Quote from: Armitage
Another crackpot idea: Meppa is Xinemus.

Complicating factors include that Xinemus is dead (and we, through Achamian, watched him die), that his body was burned (I don't think we witnessed this), and that he was not known to be one of the Few.

But, if those slight obstacles can be overcome, it's possible to construct a plausible arc in which the Inrithi Marshal of Attrempus becomes the Last Cishaurim. By the time of his death, Xinemus has been blinded -- a prerequisite for harnessing the Psûkhe. He's become more passionate, to the point of insanity, and thus has the potential to be strong in the Psûkhe. And he has lost faith in Kellhus, having realized Kellhus cannot heal.

As regards appearance, Meppa has nut-brown skin and white hair. Xinemus is Ketyai and about the same age as Achamian, so both skin and hair match.

Wow, this is a crackpot idea I really like. If only we could figure out a way around his inconvenient death. ;)

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« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2013, 08:03:30 pm »
Quote from: Borque
Quote from: Bastard of Godsgrace
Wow, this is a crackpot idea I really like. If only we could figure out a way around his inconvenient death. ;)
Sometimes the dead bounce...?

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« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2013, 08:03:37 pm »
Quote from: Armitage
Further "evidence" for my crackpot theory: in another thread Madness quoted a passage from TWP that shows Xinemus really, really interested in the Cishaurim. (The bolding is mine, of course.)

When they passed near the camps of the enemy, they could feel the Cishaurim’s plucked eyes—brilliant, pure, like a lamplight before a silvered mirror—search for them from beyond the horizon. Many times Achamian felt that otherworldly light throw shadows from their shadows. Many times Achamian thought they were doomed. But always those eyes turned away their inhuman scrutiny, either deceived or … Achamian could not say why.

followed a bit later by

“Akka,” Xinemus said, scowling in his queer, eyeless fashion. “When we walked as shadows …”

The Marshal hesitated, and for a moment Achamian feared an onslaught of recriminations. Before Iothiah, the notion of using sorcery to slip past the enemy would have been unthinkable for Xinemus. And yet he’d acquiesced with scarcely a complaint when Achamian had suggested the possibility in Joktha. Did he repent? Or had he, like Achamian, been gouged of his previous cares as well?

“I’m blind,” Xinemus continued. “Blind as blind could be, Akka! And yet I saw them … The Cishaurim. I saw them seeing!

Achamian pursed his lips, troubled by the fear-to-hope tone of the Marshal’s voice.
“You did see,” he said carefully, “in a manner … There’s many ways of seeing. And all of us possess eyes that never breach skin. Men are wrong to think nothing lies between blindness and sight.”

“And the Cishaurim?” Xinemus pressed. “Is that … Is that how they—”

“The Cishaurim are masters of this interval. They blind themselves, they say, to better see the World Between. According to some, it’s the key to their metaphysics.”

“So …” Xinemus began, unable to contain the passion in his voice.

“Not now, Zin,” Achamian said, watching the most senior of the Tydonni knights, a choleric thane called Anmergal, stride toward them from the compound gate. “Some other time …”

And why did the Cishaurim look away from he and Achamian? Perhaps they already sensed a kindred spirit in Xinemus, who was beginning to see as they did.