Yatwer didn't want her dead. IIRC she was prepared to throw a chorae at Kellhus during the end of TGO.
TLEILAXU is right here, Yatwer's target was Kellhus. Esmenet (or any of their children for that matter) were just collateral damage. Esmenet made a deal with Yatwer's own White-Luck Warrior to kill her husband (who only survived because Kelmomas' sudden appearance interfered with the WLW, with Kelmomas being invisible to the Gods and all).
I'll have to go back and check to make sure, but there were multiple times that the WLW "saw himself" killing Esmenet. Im on the road so I don't have any physical copies with me, but I'm positive that Issiral was going to kill Esmenet too. As for the chorae, that whole seen was a bit confusing. I thought the walls of the palace had chorae built inside of them, and the earthquake causes one to nearly hit Kellhus
I think it's more along the lines that the WLW
saw Esmenet dead, not that he killed/would kill her himself. I always assumed he saw her dying in the collapse of the Andiamine Heights during the earthquake (you know, like Thelli - the WLW didn't kill her either, not directly at least). Kelmomas' interference caused both Kellhus and Esmenet to survive that moment.
Oh I see what your saying. It's very difficult to tell what's going on in Issiral's head. And I suppose Yatwer might not have anything to do with TJE in the first place
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