[TUC Spoilers] Ranking the books after TUC

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Swayal Serpent

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« on: July 30, 2017, 02:47:15 am »
Hi all, first time poster, long time lurker. After finishing TUC, I re-read the entire series and decided I would rank the books in order of favorite to least favorite. Would love to read everyone else's ranking!

[Wilshire Edit: Added [TUC Spoilers] tag to title.]
« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 12:52:50 pm by Wilshire »


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« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2017, 05:35:17 am »
Gotta flip it...
1. TJE
4. WLW
meh I can't even do it ...the first series is so iconic... I still shiver remembering reading about Cnaiur for the first time... but TJE is def my fave for its adherence and subversion of Tolkien. The last two were so stunning, that I can't help but rank them highly, but so many of them I havre to take together.


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« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2017, 05:39:55 am »
1. TUC
2. TWP
4. TTT

« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 07:03:10 pm by themerchant »

Swayal Serpent

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« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2017, 07:41:15 am »
It was very difficult to rank because PON is such a different series than TAE, but I'll never forget the battle for Shimeh at the end of TTT, and the ending of that book was phenomenonal. But the journey to the coffers was probably my favorite arc in TAE. But it's do hard to decide when each book is near perfect


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« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2017, 10:06:06 am »
Very difficult choice but anyway:
1-. TWP
2-. TTT
3-. TWLW
4-. TJE
5-. TGO
7-. TUC
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« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2017, 02:34:15 pm »
“The thoughts of all men arise from the darkness. If you are the movement of your soul, and the cause of that movement precedes you, then how could you ever call your thoughts your own? How could you be anything other than a slave to the darkness that comes before?”

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« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2017, 03:34:28 pm »
Tough one. For now:

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« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2017, 11:34:28 am »
Hi all, first time poster, long time lurker. After finishing TUC, I re-read the entire series and decided I would rank the books in order of favorite to least favorite. Would love to read everyone else's ranking!

You were off to a good start for my list, but I have them:


I do firmly hold that PoN was the better series, even though TAE certainly bests it in some places and ways.
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« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2017, 11:44:49 am »
Tried too, couldnt come up with a satisfying order.
7) TJE

The rest fall somewhere in between. All good though :)
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« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2017, 11:51:53 am »
The real issue is that there are seriously great moments in all of them.  To rank each one though, I have to rely on the "Average" for each book, which is a pretty poor descriptor.  For example, Cil-Aujas in TJE is one of the best parts of any of the books, but taken as a whole, it doesn't really compare too well, with say TTT.
I am a warrior of ages, Anasurimbor. . . ages. I have dipped my nimil in a thousand hearts. I have ridden both against and for the No-God in the great wars that authored this wilderness. I have scaled the ramparts of great Golgotterath, watched the hearts of High Kings break for fury. -Cet'ingira

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« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2017, 12:06:40 pm »
I'm not even going to try.  The Darkness that Comes Before is my least favorite because so much of it is set up as opposed to pay off, but it is still great.  When the Scylvendi are undone and when the Sky Spy taunts Akka with "Chigra! Chigra Mandati!" remain two of my favorite moments. 


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« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2017, 12:16:01 pm »
I'm not even going to try.  The Darkness that Comes Before is my least favorite because so much of it is set up as opposed to pay off, but it is still great.  When the Scylvendi are undone and when the Sky Spy taunts Akka with "Chigra! Chigra Mandati!" remain two of my favorite moments. 
That scene with Akka, and him subsequently missing Esmenet, very impactful for me (aside - my browser doesn't think impactful is a word?), and I put it at #1 because I loved it preciously for all the set-up. :)
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« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2017, 12:18:38 pm »
I'm not even going to try.  The Darkness that Comes Before is my least favorite because so much of it is set up as opposed to pay off, but it is still great.  When the Scylvendi are undone and when the Sky Spy taunts Akka with "Chigra! Chigra Mandati!" remain two of my favorite moments. 
That scene with Akka, and him subsequently missing Esmenet, very impactful for me (aside - my browser doesn't think impactful is a word?), and I put it at #1 because I loved it preciously for all the set-up. :)

Well, the Prologue is still the best chapter of any of the books, for me.
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« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2017, 06:37:47 pm »
It's hard to rank them since all of them have some good moments and moments that were slightly more dull. I guess it goes something like this
TWP (I was so enthralled the first time we saw Cishaurim in real battle)
TJE (mostly because of Cil-Aujas)

Swayal Serpent

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« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2017, 02:26:18 am »
Ok I'm going to have to revise my ranking with a bit of explanation for each one. Of course I'm sure it will change again, it's just so hard to decide

1. TTT- Positives: 1. Almost nonstop action and revelation. Plenty of badass sorcery, The SS assault on the Cishaurim, Kellhus' battle with the primaries, and Akka's battle with the Saik are just a few examples. Kel and Moe's conversation. It revealed many things, and was great closure for Kel's quest to find his father. Moe and Cnaiur's reunion, just such a great conclusion for Cnaiur's arc in PON. 2. The ending. The final scene where Akka repudiates Kellhus still gives me chills when I read it, it's the greatest ending to any novel I've ever read imo. 3. Lots of information and explanation, but still plenty of mystery. For me this book was thd perfect combo of answering questions, yet leaving enough to keep you hungry for what's to come.

Negatives: None. It's perfect

2. TWLW- Positives: 1. The Ordeal has its first big battles in this book, and we get to see a demonstration of Kellhus' incredible power when he obliterates multitudes of Sranc on his way to rescue Sacarees and the others. 2. Proyas takes his first steps toward the realization that Kellhus is false, I really loved that arc. 3. Akka and Cleric's battle with Wutteat was so badass, and the subsequent confrontation between Akka and Cleric was all the more touching and tragic because of it. It was just such a great send off for Nil'Giccas. 3. the scene with Maithanet and Inrilitas. It remains one of my favorite passages of the series, and my heart was pounding the whole time, it was so thrilling
Negatives: 1.The momemn scenes were fairly boring (with one exception), and Kelmomas was becoming a very tiring Character to read

3.TWP- Positiives: 1. The transformation of the Holy War was done so well, it's even better on a re read. 2. Cnaiur's descent into madness. Only Cnaiur could make going insane look so badass. 3. The circumfixtion, and the subsequent effort's of Cnaiur and Akka to convince the great names to free him, I especially love Akka's speech to the great names when he tries to convice them of the danger if the Consult. 4. Akka's escape from the SS at Iothaia. When Akka put the smackdown on his former captors, then defeated the Ciphrang Iyokus summoned.... this was the point where I knew I'd be a Bakker fan for life, and what cemented Achamian as my favorite character. It was written so well, and was just an awesome scene.
Negatives: 1.Overly long, and at times could be a bit dull. 2. Too much Serwe. I know that Bakker has hinted at her importance to the overall story, but I just really, really hate her. 3. The scene when Kellhus pulled out Serwe's heart was just too opaque for me. I know that Bakker isn't known for his transparency, but this scene was definitely the worst offender for me

4.TDTCB- Positives: 1.Excellent worldbuilding. This book shows how unique and incredible the world of Earwa is. 2.The prologue, pretty sure it speaks for itself. 3. Conversations between Cnaiur and Kellhus, once again, I think it speaks for itself. 4. The council of great and lesser names, and subsequent reveal of a skin spy. Ending a fantasy book with a debate is so brilliant and unique, and the skin spy revelation was a great way to keep people reading.
Negatives: 1. Very dense. Not exactly friendly to first time readers, and I was actually very bored when I read it for the first time. Of course, after rereading it, I realized just how great the book is. 2. Almost no action, and even less sorcery. I love the magic in these books, and want to see as much as possible. 3. Once again, too much Serwe. I just can't stand her. 4. Hated the Esmenet chapters. I quite like her character, but in this book I wanted to skip over her chapters.

5. TUC- Positives: 1. The battle for Min Uroikas. It was EPIC, and the prose used to describe it was excellent. We finally got to see Golgotterath in all its might fave off against TGO. 2. Kellhus' betrayal of Proyas. Perfect conclusion to Proyas' struggle with his faith. Very tragic, and led to a reunion with his old tutor. 3. Loads of info. This is a tought one because a lot of what was revealed is still shrouded in mystery, but there were still a few twists that I would have never seen coming. The Dunsult, and Ajokli's possession being the main ones. 4. The final sentence. I know this seems like a small thing, but holy shit that last sentence sent a chill up my spine, really loved the bleak finality.
Negatives: 1. Nor very accessible. While there were many things revealed, it was all done in such an opaque way that much of the revelations are up to interpretation. I never expected full clarity, but this was a slight disappointment. 2. The OG Consult. This was probably the biggest letdown for me. They were built up so much, but they ended up being less threatening to Kellhus than sorwheel was. I thought that the Consult would be one of the few forces in the world that could possiblly come close to the standing up to the Dunyain, but even they were still as children to Kellhus and the Dunsult. 3. Loose ends. Of course this is to be expected from the middle of the series, but the complete lack of Meppa and Crabicus (among other things) was frustrating,

6. TJE- Positives: 1. Introduction of Cleric. I think everyone can agree that Cleric was a highlight of the entire TSA series. 2. Cil Aujas. This part was just awesome for so many reasons. It was the first time we saw a real battle against Inchoroi creations (e.g Sranc, and Bashrag), and we got to see Cleric wreck shop.
Negatives: It's difficult to pinpoint anything exactly, but this book was just lacking in comparison to the. The momemn chapters were pretty boring imo, and Sorweel was a very uninteresting character in this book

7.TGO- Positives: Korringhus. These chapters were great. I really loved the interactions between him, Akka, and Mom 2. The nuke at Dahliash. The revelation that the Consult had nukes was awesome, and Saubon's subsequent death was so dark and tragic, but such and excellent part of the story. 3. Cnaiur. Nuff said
Negatives: 1. Mainly setup. This was my main problem. Because TGO was supposed to be half of TUC, it suffered from being mainly an introductiont to the finale. 2. Too dark. Bleakness and darkness don't bother me in a story, but this particular book seemed so filled with despair that it took away from the story. Unlike TUC, there was no climax to all the hopelesness, so it was just difficult to really enjoy. Kinda like just watching the first half of Empire Strikes Back

Well that's it. Sorry for the overlong post, but I've been lurking on the forum since I discovered TSA 2 years ago, but I just started posting a couple days ago, so I've got alot to say! Thanks to anyone who reads through this whole thing