Earwa > TGO ARC Discussion


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--- Quote from: MSJ on July 08, 2016, 02:51:45 pm ---I seen the humanity coming before TGO, so none of it suprises me, does appeal though. Here is what I've heard no one try to explain. Why did Kellhus come back to Momemn? Before TGO, I said I thought he would come back he wouldn't leave them to ruin and everyone points to his and Proyas's talk and says never. He's abandoned them, it's the Shortest Path. So the Shortest Path has changed? Or, is he finding that as he aproachs the Absolute, the emotions are ineveitable? Isn't that what Koringhus teaches us?

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I'm really not sure.  Perhaps it did change, in light of the Tekne Nuke?  Let's not forget his claim to see visions that he apparently listens to, but "ceases to trust."  Perhaps the visions said to go back?  To create Ciphrang-Malowebi in order to convert, or disable Zeum?  Or to capture Meppa?

Or even that Esmenet was not done being useful?

You know I am clouded with doubt that Kellhus is at all the "good guy" and so I am skeptical that this was at all some humane act.  Between the visions he claims guide him and Theli's appraisal, I find much to compound my own suspicions.

See, I think Kellhus knows everything about the Zero-God and how to obtain the Absolute. I think he cares about humanity because he knows what awaits them in the Outside. But, you know, Thelli is right, Kellhus is whoever he needs to be at that moment. It what he has to do. He has to be a lying, manipulative S.O.B. because he is fighting a war not only with the Consult, but with the Gods. The TTT and how he took over an Empire and became what he now is, is all built on lies. It's what the Dunyain are, and Moe was Dunyain, Kellhus is more. I think there will be a scene with him and Akka in TUC where he explains all this. That he broke on the Circumfix, seen how his manipulations had killed an innocent, one he cares for. But he had also grasped the TT, and had no choice but to continue down that path to stop the Consult and the Gods. His actions are at odds with his emotions, but they have to be with what he has to do. That's why we only catch rare glimpses of them, because he cannot let them rule him entirely.


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