I always thought of it like language evolving and/or being absorbed from one culture to another. Like how Ancient Greek was adopted into so many 'newer' languages. Sensibilities change over time and regarding differing cultural history. Where a Greek may have spelled the word 'apokálypsis', later cultures adapted that to 'apocalypse.' Spelled differently, but with the same sounds, just adapted and modernized. That's why I think Cishaurim is 'kish-ow-rim' (because of Indara-Kishauri) and Celmomas is 'kel-mo-mas' since we have Kelmomas who is obviously named after Celmomas. TBH, I thought it was 'kel-mo-mas' long before we were introduced to Kelmomas. Try reading that shit out of context. lol Similarly, Ciphrang to me is 'kif-rang' because of the Fanim name kurkifra.