ARC: TDTCB, Chapter 11

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Dora Vee

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« on: June 18, 2018, 12:49:57 am »
Reason, Ajencis writes, is the capacity to overcome unprecedented obstacles in the gratification of desire. What distinguishes man from beasts is man’s capacity to overcome infinite obstacles through reason. But Ajencis has confused the accidental for the essential. Prior to the capacity to overcome infinite obstacles is the capacity to confront them. What defines man is not that he reasons, but that he prays


This one finally has a longer POV for Proyas as he stumbles around a boat like the Shockmaster. He meets up with Xinemus(love the interaction between these two) and Conphas(loads of fun). It's this chapter that made me realize that Proyas reminds me a little of a Caitlyn Stark: smart, but foolish.
Faith is the truth of passion. Since no passion is more true than another, faith is the truth of nothing.   
                          -Ajencis, the fourth analytic of man


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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2018, 08:48:15 pm »
End of Part 3.

We get Proyas vs Conphas, and Proyas comes off second best.  According to Conphas, Maithanet blames Calmemunis for the Vulgar Holy War - and Calmemunis is
your man
- Proyas

Akka wants his other 'son' - Proyas, which will help him deal with the loss of Inrau.  But Proyas won't see him :(.
Akka knows someone is following him - and accosts them, but there is no mark of sorcery.  The skin-spies are yet to be revealed.
He is thinking of Esmi - he doesn't just haves 'sons', but a 'wife' as well.

Big contrast between the 'Sarcellus' we see in conversation with Esmi - a very perceptive man, and the inner dialogue of the skin-spy.  Esmi sees him as
...a paradox, at once reprehensible and beguiling...
and puts this down to him being of the nobility.
Esmi admits she loves Akka, but 'Sarcellus' tries to convince her that Akka cannot love her because she is a whore.
The Old Father knows that Esmi is
...far more than the simple whore I took to her be, Maengi.  She's a student of the game
.  What game?
- because Akka spots he is followed? Because there are things the Consult cannot understand?
Sez who?
Seswatha, that's who.


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« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2018, 08:58:33 pm »
Part 3 seems to be all about love. 

Akka loves Esmi but has to leave her to do his duty as a Mandati.

Akka loves his two 'boys'.  One has died and he blames himself.  The other wants nothing to do with him.

He loves his old friend Xinemus, who seems to love him back despite his religious beliefs being anti-sorceror.

Esmi loves Akka - but he has left her - and may leave her permanently because of what she is.

Proyas 'loves' religion, and this forces him to reject Akka.

The Consult on the other hand seem to be all about physical lust rather than emotion.
Sez who?
Seswatha, that's who.


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« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2018, 08:26:19 pm »
Ah, yes,” a small voice said. “The promise of release.” A breath, as though drawn through a reed. “I stand among your makers, and yet the genius of your manufacture still moves me to incredulity.”

“Architect?” the thing called Sarcellus gasped. “Father? You would risk this? What if someone sees your mark?”

"I stand among your makers" this one always confused me a since it can be interpreted (I think) in two ways: I am one of your makers, or I am literally standing next to your makers. Given the rest of the dialogue I assume it must be an Inchoroi, but which one? Again, the dialogue indicates Aurang, and since we do not know much about his brother and whether he'd have a similar personality it seems the safest bet is that it is Aurang.