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Messages - Blackstone

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The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Meppa is X (II)
« on: April 01, 2016, 04:44:15 pm »
@Blackstone, there is precedence for it. We see how Shae has lived through is soul trapping whatever you want to call it. Seswatha's heart. Yea, the skin-spy is just a guess at this point, but how would Maithenet know about Simas? Well, like everything else, Moe. The Waithii Doll, though inanimate it would seem to be a clue that it is possible. I think there is enough textual evidence for it to be a possibility.

Well, Seswatha's heart trapping his own soul is not the same as transferring person A's soul into person B's body. I think we don't know enough about Shae to say for sure what is going on there. It's just a bit from a teaser chapter (unless I am missing something).

As far as Maithanet knowing about Simas: this is a conundrum. Is it possible that Moe transferred a soul into a skin spy's body and then sent it to infiltrate the Mandate? Yes. But, I don't think there's any actual evidence in the books that Simas uses sorcery. So maybe the comment about Simas having a soul was Maithanet's Dunyain manipulation. So it's actually more *probable* that Maithanet showed up to Atyersus to ally with the Mandate and thought, "Oh shit, a skin spy."

But in short, I think it's possible, but not probable that Moe Quantum Leaped out of his body right before he got choraed by Cnauir.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Who destroyed the [spoiler] monastery?
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:53:52 pm »
It just occurred to me, and maybe someone else mentioned it, IF (big if) the Consult destroyed Ishual, there don't seem to be any bodies, which means some of the Dunyain were captured. The GO might be marching on a Consult that has an army of Dunyain sorcerers because IIRC somebody mentioned Scott said the Dunyain were inadvertently breeding for magical ability as well.
How do you know there aren't any bodies? The best place to make a stand would be within the darkness of the Thousand Thousand halls, regardless of whether or not they were attacked by someone using magics.

Besides, all we have seen is ishual in the distance.

It's an assumption that there are no bodies. None were mentioned in the teaser chapter, and if some sort of battle took place, I don't think all the Dunyain would make it down into the halls before they got killed. But we didn't get the whole chapter, so maybe some will turn up!

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Meppa is X (II)
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:47:35 pm »
It's not out of nowhere @themerchant. I agree with you, there is plenty of textual evidence on the matter of soul transferring. I'm just up in the air on exactly what Moe wanted to accomplish in Kyudea. But, to say he didn't plan something is foolish.
I can't think of any instance where a soul is transferred to anything but an inanimate object. It's an assumption that a soul was transferred to a skin spy vs it being created with a soul or just being an anomaly the Consult cannot duplicate. If they had the ability to transfer souls at will into a skin spy I think they would build a bunch of them capable of using magic.

I just don't think Moe has it in him to overcome the absolute of salting by Chorae ;)

I recently saw on another thread that Nerdanel and Madness both postulated that at the end of the UC, Kellhus would travel back in time to the First Apocalypse. Which got me thinking: Some have speculated that Kellhus will become the No-God, but what if Kellhus is the original No-God? He gets pulled back through time and imprisoned in the carapace. He can't see (WHAT DO YOU SEE), but he can feel the weapons races, which he blindly and unknowingly wields against men. This would explain why Kellhus keeps have visions of the No-God in TTT.
Just a thought :)

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Side Effects of Eating Sranc
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:29:17 pm »
Ha ha. I think the blurb is something cooked up by the publisher to make us wonder. I have to assume Kellhus saw this eventuality and prepared for it.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Dunyain Weakness
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:27:43 pm »
@ Wilshire - I'm not sure I could provide the proof you want!  My reading is that Moenghus is playing a role for the whole conversation.  I think that everything he says is a lie.

I agree with you that not even a Dunyain could track every possibility, but the possibility that Kellhus would be broken by the trial would be a big big possibility to ignore.  Anywayz, I thinks Moe manufactured the breakdown.  I read that final conversation as Moe speaking semi-scripted lines to test if Kellhus will produce the predicted responses.  Playing weak is a Dunyain thing!

Hi Blackstone!  I find Serwe so fascinating.  Maybe she'll be blinded and become a necromancer or Cishaurim.

I'm in the camp that Moe really was weak for a Cishaurim and that the Psukhe is (on average) one of the weaker magics. I think Moe chose the longest path.

If there was ever a chance to see the Meta-Psukhe, I think it would be with Serwa. She is the only one of the (half) Dunyain to show the requisite passion that would be necessary to be powerful in that magic. But doesn't it require passion in regards to the Solitary God?

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Dunyain Weakness
« on: March 31, 2016, 11:09:43 pm »


Kellhus spent much time and effort developing the entire school from nothing. He had to personally train every witch until there were enough to carry on the task. He built that school to be entirely independant from every other one, and wouldn't have risk their influence in having them teach his students. Kellhus must have been deeply involved with Serwa's upbringing, both in the school and in the various dunyain trainings that now make her appear sane.

Do you have a location for this, because I don't remember it.

I think she IS more human than most of the other kids. Esmi thinks back to how even when Serwa was a baby, she showed signs of humanity and the ability to love.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Who destroyed the [spoiler] monastery?
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:36:36 pm »
It just occurred to me, and maybe someone else mentioned it, IF (big if) the Consult destroyed Ishual, there don't seem to be any bodies, which means some of the Dunyain were captured. The GO might be marching on a Consult that has an army of Dunyain sorcerers because IIRC somebody mentioned Scott said the Dunyain were inadvertently breeding for magical ability as well.

If Kellhus really did go mad on the Circumfix, wouldn't take make him less apt to have human emotion?

See, I have always took it as, Moe saying it made him mad and broken as making him able to experience more human emotion. We're not talking about what makes me and you crazy. I think, to a Dunyain, being mad is just that, experiencing emotions. 

Yeah, that's plausible.  I'm just not buying Kellhus having "gone soft."  He certainly isn't soft in letting Esmenet toil away trying to hold together the scraps of Empire, or Kel killing Sammy, or Maith killing Inrilatus, or in Maith being killed.  While maybe he didn't see all that, no way he saw none of that (mostly the abandoning Esmenet).  There is no way that he could have imagined that leaving Fanayal alive wouldn't cause issues and if he was so soft-hearted to Esmenet, why let that happen to her?  It just doesn't add up to me.

No, I think the "madness" is that on the Circumfix he saw what he believes is the plan to dominate not just Earwa, but the Outside too.  To what end, I don't know.  Possibly the same end as the Consult, just minus quite so much murder (or maybe not).

I disagree. I think he does have some human emotion. He couldn't possibly have foreseen Maithanet being killed, because that was an act of a god. And I think he did know the empire would fall apart, just as he knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. He is trying for the greater good of saving mankind vs saving his family. So all of the deaths you mention were unavoidable.
I think Kellhus starts to believe in his own divinity while on the circumfix, which is also an indicator that he may have broken.

Isn't the madness Moe speaks of the fact that Kellhus thinks he hears the No-god?

General Earwa / Re: TSACast (SA Podcast)
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:52:23 pm »
I'm so stoked that you guys started a podcast. I've been looking for a way to get a TSA fix at work.

I just finished the WP reread and have to say I'm with Wilshire about Moe. After cutting swazond into his arms, he had no choice but to head south to the Fanim. In a way, a Dunyain is like a child in that they had no conception into the outside world. Kellhus probably would have made the same mistake if Moe hadn't (inadvertently) prepared the way with Cnauir. Moe tried having other children that could complete his domination, and they weren't capable due to their "human" half, so he had to call for Kellhus. Had he not chosen the wrong path, he would not have needed Kell.
IIRC the Psukhe is the most primitive of the magics. So the shortest path would have been learning the Gnosis. Ergo, Moe failed to chose the shortest path.
IMO :)

General Earwa / Re: TSACast (SA Podcast)
« on: March 29, 2016, 07:22:25 pm »
Madness, how can I get in on the podcast? I'd love to join the conversation.

Author Q&A / The First Apocalypse
« on: March 14, 2016, 02:27:36 pm »
Do you have any plans to write short stories, or perhaps a novel, about the first apocalypse?

I think one of two ways:
1) Kellhus makes it into the Ark and finds renderings of the Nail of Heaven, which is indeed a mother ship the Inch can't control with the damaged Ark. He then teleports himself to the mother ship, finds a storage locker full of charged plasma cannons, and teleports back. Problem solved.

2) Much more likely, because I believe Kellhus will be the final soul needed to resurrect the No-God and he will therefore be unavailable to save the world, Mimara will invert the chorae on the carapace, causing the No-God to implode. The implosion will also have the added benefit of keeping a new Indigo Plague from spreading across the Ordeal. This will probably happen in the last series because I think the UC will end with Kellhus's death and the No-God's return.

 I know we've been vaguely told this, but I'm not really buying it.

By Scott? Does anyone know where this is?

I think one of two ways:
1) Kellhus makes it into the Ark and finds renderings of the Nail of Heaven, which is indeed a mother ship the Inch can't control with the damaged Ark. He then teleports himself to the mother ship, finds a storage locker full of charged plasma cannons, and teleports back. Problem solved.

2) Much more likely, because I believe Kellhus will be the final soul needed to resurrect the No-God and he will therefore be unavailable to save the world, Mimara will invert the chorae on the carapace, causing the No-God to implode. The implosion will also have the added benefit of keeping a new Indigo Plague from spreading across the Ordeal. This will probably happen in the last series because I think the UC will end with Kellhus's death and the No-God's return.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Who destroyed the [spoiler] monastery?
« on: March 03, 2016, 05:06:26 pm »
That or Leweth actually survived and went back to take his vengeance on Kellhus' old friends. Either or. 

Continuing in a line of less probable things, there is the chance that Mek backtracked Kellhus to there, they killed everyone just for the hell of it.  Pretty sure Madness thought of that at the very beginning of this thread actually.

That actually seems like a reasonable explanation. I still vote it was Kellhus though. :)

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