Crazy Ass Speculation Thread

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« on: October 22, 2014, 10:52:32 pm »

1) Seswatha learned the heart trick from someone else.  One of the few things he took with him from the Library was the recovered heart of Titirga!!!

2) Cnaiur is so special because he has dunyain blood in him from someone on his mom's side.

3) Golgotterath isn't even there.  Instead there's a mansion named Golgotterath full of nonmen distort by eons of sin, their own memories warped as well and rebuilt into delusion.

4) The space between the gods is Ajokli but he doesn't care who worships him.  He lets on that Yatwer an co. can change the course of Earwan history, but they are hanging from his puppet strings too.

5) Mimara is literally the daughter of Yatwer.

6) Kellhus already found the Heron Spear and broke it.

7) There are more nonman mansions south of Nilnamesh than north of it.


Francis Buck

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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2014, 02:12:14 am »
I don't know how CRAZY this really is (I know I've seen it thrown around before), but I really think that parentage can often be far more relevant on a metaphysical/emotional level than a simple biological one. Like Mimara, in a wonky metaphysical way, really IS Achamian's daughter. Sorweel is the ally in the Niom, the metaphysical "son" of Kellhus, while Lil' Moe is the enemy, due to being the true son of Cnaiur (and Serwa), despite having been raised as the "false son" (lol) of Kellhus and presumably having been given rudimentary Dunyain advice to some extent, similar to the way that Esmi has.


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« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2014, 09:36:54 am »
This isn't actually my theory.  My mother pitched this one to me.

Mekeretrig is 100% sane from having found a loophole out of the post-immortal mind degeneration.  He basically fakes the behavior of an erratic so no one knows.  And fakes his absurd power level as well.

Rationale:  The inverse fire completely and utterly reveals the truth of one's damnation.  After his exposure to the IF, the existential horror and trauma of this act tainted and brutalized every memory of his life.  Even the banal and happy memories became trauma, with the knowledge that comes from all of it being meaningless from damnation.  So he remembers everything... because all of his memory is fundamentally suffering now.

BUT, instead of just normal memory, he is basically Disciple Manning.  He remembers EVERYTHING with supernatural clarity.  This enhanced level of cognition means that Mek has had millennia of time to utilized his enhanced mental function to hone his Quya craft to reach Meta-Quya levels.
Cue Mekeretrig/Kellhus Meta-super-Gnostic battle to end all battles in Earwa

*drops the mic*


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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2014, 10:54:58 pm »
The Ansurimbor to come in the Celmonan prophecy will actually be..

Ansurimbor Mimara


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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2014, 11:44:49 pm »
The No-God has already risen in AE but no one knows yet.

Moenghus didn't come from Ishual in the first place.

Garet Jax

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« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2014, 12:10:30 am »
The entire series is "The Thousandfold Thought" still being processed in Ishual.

Francis Buck

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« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2014, 01:35:01 am »
The entire series is "The Thousandfold Thought" still being processed in Ishual.

I actually think is (or was) true. I don't believe the Thousandfold Thought was something Moe came up with himself, but instead for the Dunyain it was a sort of conceptual half-way point between the Shortest Path and the Absolute (I.E. becoming God, the only self-moving soul). To put it another way, the Thousandfold Thought was something the Dunyain knew would and/or must happen before reaching the Absolute. It is, quite literally, the series/collection of thoughts necessary to achieve their goal, which again is basically becoming God (since in this universe, God is the only truly self-moving soul). The Shortest Path isn't just the best way to get there, it's the ONLY way. The Golden Path, if you will, a la Dune.


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« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2014, 02:23:37 am »
The entire series is "The Thousandfold Thought" still being processed in Ishual.


Francis Buck

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« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2014, 10:56:50 pm »
Another one: I don't think Seswatha's going to turn out to be that nice of a dude. I don't think he's like, straight up evil or anything, but I think we will learn that he was very much a schemer, and probably went to extreme lengths to save his soul from Damnation (which ended up being the Mandate). I think there are hints of this with the Nau-Cayuti stuff as well.


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« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2014, 03:22:18 am »
Agreed on something being up with Seswatha though I don't have a well-formed theory.  I just think there's something much more going on than he started the Mandate to save the world from the Consult and the No-God.


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« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2014, 12:01:30 pm »
I don't know how CRAZY this really is (I know I've seen it thrown around before), but I really think that parentage can often be far more relevant on a metaphysical/emotional level than a simple biological one. Like Mimara, in a wonky metaphysical way, really IS Achamian's daughter. Sorweel is the ally in the Niom, the metaphysical "son" of Kellhus, while Lil' Moe is the enemy, due to being the true son of Cnaiur (and Serwa), despite having been raised as the "false son" (lol) of Kellhus and presumably having been given rudimentary Dunyain advice to some extent, similar to the way that Esmi has.

LOL - Serwa's actually got a weenie, but has a traitorous heart, is the false son!  for reals tho, Sorweel is literally Kellhus son, because Kellhus has been to Sakarpus before, as Proyas tells Harweel???

@ Ozark - love it!  it actually fits with an Anasurimbor leading the gods into the frey!

@ H/P - kudos to your Mom!  i don't even know what this battle would look like--the Ark melts?!?!

@ Akkeagni - oh wow!  the Great Ordeal is screwed!!  maybe if they keep Mog inside the Ark, the world can't feel him?

the old Moe that appears in TTT is an elaborate deception created by the Cishaurim after they seized the real Moe decades ago--bearing the water means they can see through his Dunyain deceptions, so they prepare for the coming of his son, and make ready to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the world!

@ Triskele and FB - Seswatha's gonna be a fucking meth dealer or something


Bakker will break the 4th wall in TUC and spend 400 pages writing about what it's like to be a writer

The Consult employs the skin-spy equivalent of horses and dogs which will be loosed on the Great Ordeal

Did i mention the one where Serwa has a weenie?

Seswatha lying--he passed on a false memory to the Mandate; they dying Celmomas specifically predicts the return of an Anasurimbor DAUGHTER

The apparent lack of Dunyain women is just like Dwarves in Tolkien, all Dunyain women have beards and Moe is actually Kel's mom (Kel's real dad died ages ago when Cnaiur killed him and was driven mad with guilt, erasing his own conscious memories of the murder)


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« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2014, 05:52:48 pm »
The original Dunyain were all killed off shortly after arriving at Ishual.  They were replaced by a crowd of rebellious runaway tekne products, the precursors of what would eventually become skin-spies.

Iyokus is the puppet-master behind the whole narrative.

During the First Apocalypse, one sorcerer was driven by desperation to try something that was utterly taboo to both men and nonmen--eat the salt of a dead sorcerer.  Bakker likes the mental blinder that "to a man with a hammer, every problem is a nail."  No one had ever thought of ingesting sorcerous salt and no one has since, except for a sith-like tradition running from before Shir to the Scarlett Spires.  The secret of chanv.

To a normal person, drinking chanv, makes you smarter and more long-lived, but to a sorcerer, the effect is to increase intelligence astronomically.  Sorcerous chanv addicts (who eat the real thing and not the diluted stuff peddled to the Ainoni aristocrats) become intelligent on a scale that makes Dunyain look like children.

These uber-chanvers set about to manipulate world events to bring about an undoing of their own damnation and a domination of all the world and the Outside.  They knew they could not achieve it in one generation, so they pass the quest on master to disciple until one addict will be able to finish the design.  That addict is Iyokus.

Even now he manipulates all the threads that were so long ago created to fulfill the plan: the Dunyain, the Cishaurim, the Mandate, the Scarlet Spires, the other Schools, the Witches...



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« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2014, 10:45:30 pm »
Maithanet is behind it all.

As Achamian writes,

Maithanet. Without a doubt, the heart of the mystery. The Shriah who could see the Few. Inrau’s murderer—perhaps.


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« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2014, 11:21:47 pm »
inspired by profgrape's question!

the Consult HQ has already been moved to Ishterebinth in an attempt to destroy the Great Ordeal as it must march in and out of Agongorea.  Kellhus however suspects and this is the real reason Serwa is there.  she has been ordered to scout and communicate via dreams with Daddio

this is why Madness was so moved by the Ishterebinth bits of TUC!

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« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2014, 08:04:17 pm »
1. The Inchoroi Arc is a space vessel as least, but as most — both a crashed time mashine and a failed self-moving soul from the future, both a No-God prototype and a No-God MK2. Like, mastery over time itself is a required achievement in perceiving what comes before everything.
2.  Would be funny if the Arc is also time-looped entity an was built from it's own lifeless carcass. That explains why Earwa is a promised land — in the end Inchoroi led their dying ship back to the shipyard.