Earwa > General Earwa

What you didn't like in the series or what it lacks?/Excessive Segue of Calvalry

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Auriga ---TSA is really not meant to be a laugh-out-loud series, so I can forgive Scött for his lack of comedy scenes. To be honest, I prefer the somber "Biblical" mood of TSA over the never-ending "witty" quips in the ASOIAF books, which became stale and annoying really fast.

There's only one scene that made me laugh while reading the book, and it's in TJE when the Skin Eaters are having their "Tarantino moment" and just swapping jokes, with no relevance to the plot at all:

--- Quote ---Then they started on beggars, trading tales of this or that wretch. Soma's claim to have seen a beggar without arms or legs was met with general derision. In the spirit of mockery, Galian went one better, saying he saw a headless beggar when he was in the Imperial Army. "For the longest time we thought he was a sack of ripe turnips, until he started begging, that is..."
"And what did he beg for?" Oxwora asked...
"To be turned right side up, what else?"
Laughter crashed through the abandoned halls. Only Soma remained unimpressed.
"How could he speak without a head?"
"You seem to manage well enough!"
A cackling swell.
"In Zeüm—" Pokwas began.
"The beggars give you money," Galian interrupted. "We know."
--- End quote ---

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: lockesnow ---
--- Quote from: Auriga ---Soma's claim to have seen a beggar without arms or legs was met with general derision. In the spirit of mockery, Galian went one better, saying he saw a headless beggar when he was in the Imperial Army. "For the longest time we thought he was a sack of ripe turnips, until he started begging, that is..."
"And what did he beg for?" Oxwora asked...
"To be turned right side up, what else?"
Laughter crashed through the abandoned halls. Only Soma remained unimpressed.
"How could he speak without a head?"
"You seem to manage well enough!"
A cackling swell.
"In Zeüm—" Pokwas began.
"The beggars give you money," Galian interrupted. "We know."
--- End quote ---
Hah, well played RSB, well played.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: bbaztek ---Yeah, Auriga beat me to it. The Skin-eater banter was pretty fucking funny.

As for other things I legitimately dislike (minor quibbles all):

1. Everyone cries too much. And everyone stares at their feet too much. Is that where all that death is swirling down to or something

2. Bakker is scarily good at horror, but some images like Sorweel's description of the aftermath of a Sranc attack and Seswatha stumbling into the Pit of Obscenities in Golgotterath, are so revolting I'm beginning to wonder if our dear old author doesn't have mafia ties to keep his editor from stalling a book's publication

3. Big exotic descriptive paragraphs bordering
a single line
for emphasis. it gets way too noticeable by the end of book 1, let alone the rest

other than that best fantasy series in the market hands down 5/5 would read again

edit: holy fucking shit lockesnowe
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---+1 lockesnow. Again ;).

There's another moment in TJE where Mimara narrowly misses seeing Soma with the Judging Eye...
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Duskweaver ---
--- Quote from: Auriga ---"How could he speak without a head?"
"In Zeüm—" Pokwas began.
"The beggars give you money," Galian interrupted. "We know."
--- End quote ---
Somaspy demonstrating his inability to grasp paradox, and then an 'In Soviet Russia' joke.

One of the things I love most about Steven Erikson's work is his ability to transition seamlessly between the sublime and the ridiculous, but I don't know of any author who can do both at the same time as well as Bakker.
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