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Messages - H

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But would the Cishaurim allow him to advance in rank without having been blinded?

He seems to have accessed the Psuhke well before meeting Kellhus also, in sending the dreams, and in his meeting with Xerius.  Not to mention his seeming involvement in the assassination-by-teleportation.  Could he have done with while sighted?

My bold - I'm not sure how you made this inference?

Well, presumably, if Seswatha had seen skin-spies before, it would probably be in a dream and so knowledge of everyone in the Mandate.  Even if it never made it into a dream, you would think Seswatha would have told the Mandate something as important as the existence of skin-spies.

In either case, it really doesn't matter, since I am pretty sure MSJ's explanation is actually the correct interpretation.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Meppa is X (II)
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:22:38 pm »
Do we actually see Meppa's arms to know whether they are scarred or not?

There is of course the possibility that Moe didn't transfer into Cnaüir's body, but rather, somehow used him to transfer to another person.

Honestly, and I am not very good at the metaphysics, I believe the chorae is what makes the transfer possible. Also, Moe would know that Cnaüir would've had his chorae.

Plausible.  Would he have thought he'd use it?  Eh, yeah, probably on "second" thought.

I'll buy what Locke is selling, for the most part.  I'm definitely on board with him finding only what Maithanet wanted him to find.

I don't think Maithanet and Moe could have planned for the Consult killing him, but it happened and the end result is nearly the same.

As for the Simas agent, if we follow this along as Moe created, then was this possibly the first attempt, or an proof of concept for soul-transfer, a la, Meppa?

I was thinking the same thing. Last night I re-read the scene between Moe and Kellhus. And you know what? I think so. I've always been a fervent believer that Moe+Cnaüir=Meppa. And so much in that exchange points to Kellhus being duped yet again. The skull, Kellhus specifically saying that yes he is on conditioned ground. The skull, it all goes back to that for me. Its the point, even his exchange right before the kick, is where Kellhus is simply being played. Indeed 30 years Moe has had to condition this exchange. I don't want to go on to much more about this, but I have some new thoughts on this. Passion is what Moe was lacking, correct? He needed Kellhus just as much as he needed Cnaüir.

The one thing that I think he might not have planned for is the chorae though, since he wouldn't, presumable been able to handle one/have access to one, which leads to my main question being, was the transfer complete?


Well, I apologize again for making the TWP post too early.

As to the "What Came Before" sections, to be honest, I really never read them, since I have a good idea what had happened.  Thinking about it now though, if anything, those sections are probably big clues as to what we are "supposed" to believe, in other words, what the text is supposed to be leading us to.  In other words, big lies.
one thing the what has come before is definitively good at is pronunciation.  If you listen to the audio book of ttt, the one hour ish it takes them to read the what has come before covers the names of every character faction and location. Like, I didn't know it was at-tree-thow or shy-meh or zi-nee-mus or zer-rye-us until I listened to that.

Ah, I've never listened to any of them really.  Since Scott adheres to the "there is no canonical pronunciation" school, those are really as good as any others, I'd guess.

No, I took it as specifically Akka was the first Mandati to see a Skin-Spy true face. Chigra is just what they call all Mandate schoolmen.

Ah, yes, that would make more sense...more sleep, I need it.

Well, I think this is what you refer to:

In the effort to transform themselves into the perfect expression of the Logos, the Dûnyain have bent their entire existence to mastering the irrationalities that determine human thought: history, custom, and passion.

While it's kind of silly to think in these terms, their "mastering" of history is the repudiation of it.  They purposely ignore history, in order to attempt to be a-historical.

I have my doubts that this works though, even in the context of Earwa.
Well that's a convoluted rationalization.

More likely, kellhus was crafted, raised and trained to believe what he does, but this does not accurately reflect dunyain, hence the contradiction in his belief and the what has come black.

Well, it's certainly true that it is hard to know, since we have only one example of Dûnyain training.  Is Kellhus an average Dûnyain?  Exceptional?  Even greater than that?  And so, is his training the "usual?"  Or was he groomed both by and for more?

Well, the glamour already had her totally ensorcelled, it would seem to me that it wouldn't take much to disguise a small cant as a slap.

Then again, maybe we are missing something simple, like the man being a skin-spy and the Synthese simply being present to interrogate her.
I think I mentioned that as a possibility in the last reread when I broke down all the possibilities.  This one works because it explains the coin and seed. On the other hand, esme does not encounter black seed whilst sarcellus paramour. And black seed would be a way to easily out a spy, so it would be a serious design flaw.

Right, no, I didn't mean to imply that she had sex with the Sarcellus agent, only that he could have been present while the Sythese got it's groove on.

Well, I apologize again for making the TWP post too early.

As to the "What Came Before" sections, to be honest, I really never read them, since I have a good idea what had happened.  Thinking about it now though, if anything, those sections are probably big clues as to what we are "supposed" to believe, in other words, what the text is supposed to be leading us to.  In other words, big lies.

I'll buy what Locke is selling, for the most part.  I'm definitely on board with him finding only what Maithanet wanted him to find.

I don't think Maithanet and Moe could have planned for the Consult killing him, but it happened and the end result is nearly the same.

As for the Simas agent, if we follow this along as Moe created, then was this possibly the first attempt, or an proof of concept for soul-transfer, a la, Meppa?

"You are the first, Chigra, and you will be the last" the thing call Skeaos said.....

The last what?

The first to see their true face I believe.

That'd be my guess, considering the next thing the skin-spy does is try and pop Achamian's grape with its facial limbs. This scene informed much of my Untitled fan-fiction at Bakker's blog.

If that's true, it raises an interesting question then.  If Seswatha had already seen the true face of the spin-spies before, why would the Mandate not know of them?

It would also seem to throw the idea that spin-spies are "new," i.e. made within the last 300 years when the Consult was "out of contact" to the wind, since Seswatha was gone (dead, maybe, I have my doubts) long before that.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God? (II)
« on: December 18, 2015, 07:44:03 pm »
not sure if this one has been floated...maybe the No-God is some resurrected version of Celmomas?  he is driven made with grief because of all that he has lost, esp his son.  the Carapace is what augments and channels Celmomas' peculiar brand of sorrow which is on the just-right wavelength to shut the heavens.  Mog's journey across Earwa is a doomed attempt to find his son?  Bakker puts so much about fathers and sons in TSA, that's what got me thinking about it.  it would be especially painful for Seswatha if his end goal is to murder his best friend.

if the No-God is in fact an ancient person, i wonder if we will get to read a conversation between the new No-God and Seswatha.  maybe Ses will speak through Akka or Serwa.  it would be a cool way for Bakker to do a big info reveal

Well, the trouble with that theory is that The No-God is already risen before Celmomas is dead.

If it's someone, it's probably  Nau-Cayûti, since the timelines match.

Wtf guys! Originally we were going to start in January, now we'll be done with PoN by new year's?

Haha its all good, just maybe slow down a little. I think we should let The Darkness reread marinate a bit, maybe with a wrap up thread or even a podcast.

New Year?  Nah, I've been on about a chapter a weekday.

We are a bit ahead. Next week is for part 5, and the week after that is TWP, which we never fully decided how to break it down...

Yeah, I just figured I'd get the ball rolling in case anyone was feeling ambitious and wanted to get ahead a bit maybe.

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