No longer in print...

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« on: April 26, 2013, 04:44:40 pm »
Quote from: Wilshire
So me and a friend of mine were at a book store and I convinced my friend to start the AE, as he has read the PoN (thanks to much prodding on my part). He checked out at the counter with JE and WLW in hand, and the clerk looked up at him and said "You're lucky. They stopped printing the Judgeing Eye. You just got one of the last ones".

Is that for real or is the clerk retarded?

Store was barnes and noble

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« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 04:44:46 pm »
Quote from: Curethan
I kinda doubt it, although I don't see many copies about even in my local specialist bookstore.
What was the publisher and edition?

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« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2013, 04:44:52 pm »
Quote from: Wilshire
Im not sure, I may be able to find out, but I doubt that barnes and noble had any special or odd editions laying around. I guess its possible though.

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« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 04:44:59 pm »
Quote from: Fiddler
Hi there,

I work at an independent bookstore (in the U.S.) and from what I can see the book (trade paperback) is still in print, although it looks to be back-ordered at the wholesalers that all bookstores in the United States deal with. This could either mean that the current demand temporarily outstripped the limited quantities they had on hand or that the publisher (Overlook Press) is not planning on reprinting the book and has yet to declare it out of print.

My read is that it's the former situation. The hardcover edition of the Judging Eye is still classified as In Print. In almost every case that I've seen, the hardcover will officially go out of print a reasonable degree of time before the paperback does. Furthermore, the series is unfinished and relatively current. As long as they expect a reasonable number of sales for the final book in the trilogy, it doesn't make much sense to let the first book fall out of print before the series has been completed. The flip-side is that some publishers are not known for having a great deal of common sense.

On the other hand, the demand could be so low for the paperback that the publisher hasn't made it a priority to reprint copies to be distributed, thereby making it out of print in a practical sense for the near future.

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« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2013, 04:45:05 pm »
Quote from: Madness
The worst case is sad to read, Fiddler. Thanks for taking the time to post about this.

Btw... I've never even imagined hardcover editions of the TSA. They sound amazing.

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« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2013, 04:45:13 pm »
Quote from: Wilshire
Thanks a lot for the information. I found it hard to believe as well, so perhaps they are just waiting for TUC to come out to start printing again or something. Lets hope its not already out of print.

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« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2013, 04:45:20 pm »
Quote from: Wilshire
So to answer my own question: The copy he has turns out to be the basically the last First edition Soft cover Small New York sold book. So the clerk was saying that there are no more first editions.

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