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[TSA P&P RPG] Design discussions aka brainstorming the rules-set

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Super-mega-popular, sunday, sunday, sunday edition of the Second Apocalypse. Come one, come all to the greatest show of devastation the World has ever seen. See the Father of Dragons lay waste to the ancient fortress Dagliash as the Great Ordeal cowers within. Skulk with Achamian and Mimara in the ruins of Dunyainic Ishual. Watch as Kellhus' family life falls apart and he betrays his own Holy War for the Tekne and unlimited power. Has the White-Luck Warrior inevitably coupled with Esmenet? Will Meppa the Stonebreaker be the First Cishaurim to preach to the Inrithi idolaters? And how much meat can one little Dunyain cannibal really eat?

Find out next time, on The Holy Consult!

(That started off with Japanese adverts in mind and ended up... circus-esque?)

I actually was seeing circus at first but that it ended rather anime "next-episode" preview lol.


I’ve been reading the RQ6 ruleset a lot recently, and it just occurred to me that what we need, rather than adapting a whole ruleset, is to create a ‘World Guide’ for modifying the existing ruleset.  While this may have been obvious to some (or all) interested in this project, it only dawned on me tonight that this would be the way to go.  So, to use the 'World Guide,' the GM/players would need to have a copy of the RQ6 ruleset.

RQ6 seems to me to be based on some pretty common sense and logical approaches to conflict resolution.  It’s both relatively realistic and (can be) harsh in its treatment of characters and how they interact with the world, and flexible enough for common sense interpretations to allow for some leeway.  It can be brutal if you're unlucky with the dice, but also has mechanics built in to help alleviate the consequences.  I think it's a really good fit to the overall feel of Bakker's books.

So, with that in mind, here are my setting-specific suggestions for inclusion in the RSB Eärwa World Guide for RuneQuest 6 (working title only!):

1) A gazetteer of sorts introducing the physical world, maps, nations, timeline, languages, naming conventions, etc.

2) Adaptation of Chapter 2: Culture and Community to include the 5 Tribes (or 4, since we don’t know much about the Xiuhianni yet?).

3) Adaptation of Chapter 3: Careers and Development to include Eärwa-specific careers and to exclude those which may not fit.

4) Adaptation of Chapter 4: Skills to include jnan and other setting-specific skills (jnan could easily be added to the descriptors for Customs and/or Courtesy skills).

5) Adaptation of Chapter 5: Economics and Equipment, again to setting-specific items/currency.

6) Adaptation of Chapter 7: Combat to include combat styles inherent in the setting (Blade-dancer, Nansur Columnary, etc.)

7) Adaptation of Chapters 8-13 which deal with the different approaches to magic.

8 ) Adaptation of Chapter 14: Cults and Brotherhoods to include all the known organizations of Eärwa.

9) Adaptation of Chapter 15: Creatures for the same reasons, obviously.

That’s it!  :D  Some of the points above will be relatively easy, and others a huge pain in the ass.  I’m sure there are other suggestions I haven’t thought of, so please chime in if you're so inclined.

Yeah - I'm going to waste some time on a couple of those :).


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