New findings suggest laws of nature 'downright weird,' not as constant as....

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« on: May 02, 2020, 04:09:56 am »
New findings suggest laws of nature 'downright weird,' not as constant as previously thought

Lachlan Gilbert

Not only does a universal constant seem annoyingly inconstant at the outer fringes of the cosmos, it occurs in only one direction, which is downright weird.

Those looking forward to a day when science's Grand Unifying Theory of Everything could be worn on a t-shirt may have to wait a little longer as astrophysicists continue to find hints that one of the cosmological constants is not so constant after all.

In a paper published in Science Advances, scientists from UNSW Sydney reported that four new measurements of light emitted from a quasar 13 billion light years away reaffirm past studies that found tiny variations in the fine structure constant.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 04:11:43 am by sciborg2 »