General Misc. / [Planning] Something of a Roadtrip [Across the States]
« on: July 18, 2016, 08:33:36 pm »
This is far from TSA related, but thankfully this subcategory seems to be the appropriate place, I'm thinking about taking a road trip across the country. I'm hoping I might solicit some advice and/or recommendations from the folks here for things worth stopping for or seeing.
To give something of a perspective on my potential trip: I live in London, Ontario and I'm hoping to coordinate the beginning of my trip to include a favourite music festival (Dark Star Jubilee) before hitting the road. My end game is to hit California, do a few hiking trips there and then drive up the west coast back into Canada and journey my way home from there.
So the most direct route I can tell from looking at a map is to hit Michigan, Ohio (festival is in Thornville), and then cut West across the country. There are at least a dozen states I could hit between Ohio and California along the way. Is there anything I shouldn't miss? It's easy to check state tourism sites, but I consider those tertiary resources compared to firsthand experience.
[EDIT: I realized it might be worth noting that my trip would be beginning around the end of May; whether there are music festivals, cultural events, state celebrations, or what have you that are time sensitive, I'm just hoping for any feedback to better organize my meanderings]
[EDIT Madness]: For title.
To give something of a perspective on my potential trip: I live in London, Ontario and I'm hoping to coordinate the beginning of my trip to include a favourite music festival (Dark Star Jubilee) before hitting the road. My end game is to hit California, do a few hiking trips there and then drive up the west coast back into Canada and journey my way home from there.
So the most direct route I can tell from looking at a map is to hit Michigan, Ohio (festival is in Thornville), and then cut West across the country. There are at least a dozen states I could hit between Ohio and California along the way. Is there anything I shouldn't miss? It's easy to check state tourism sites, but I consider those tertiary resources compared to firsthand experience.
[EDIT: I realized it might be worth noting that my trip would be beginning around the end of May; whether there are music festivals, cultural events, state celebrations, or what have you that are time sensitive, I'm just hoping for any feedback to better organize my meanderings]
[EDIT Madness]: For title.