TSACast (SA Podcast)

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« Reply #135 on: February 01, 2016, 12:33:07 pm »
Great cast, I you going to one on each book? You can even do one on the appendices and the Atrocity Tales.

I wouldn't mind it, but of course it will be time permitting.  Then again, who knows when TGO will actually be out, so we might have all the time in the world.
I am a warrior of ages, Anasurimbor. . . ages. I have dipped my nimil in a thousand hearts. I have ridden both against and for the No-God in the great wars that authored this wilderness. I have scaled the ramparts of great Golgotterath, watched the hearts of High Kings break for fury. -Cet'ingira


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« Reply #136 on: February 01, 2016, 05:30:14 pm »
all the time in the world.
- Sean Connery's voice (scene from League of Extraordinary Gentleman)
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« Reply #137 on: February 12, 2016, 04:40:33 pm »
TSACast #11 Notes:

- This one was fun too - GJ's dream of doing a book a Cast is remarkably simple and entertaining.
- Also, thanks again to profgrape for participating (along with the regulars, without whom nothing would get done). We're all quite taken by you, as perceived vocally :P. On that note, I've figured out why profgrape is endearing to me particularly; speech pattern very similar to one of my favorite professors in uni.
- Mithfanion quote from Bakker, my bold:

Quote from: Bakker, Oct 2/13
Good to hear from you Mith! The only way I can see this being ready for summer 2014 is if my publishers decide to split the thing. This is the impasse at the moment: the book is looking too big. There really is nothing more I can say until everything is sorted out. I do want you to know that I’ve taken many of the criticisms you’ve made of the previous books quite seriously in writing this… Although not identical to my vision of the series, yours has been close enough to alert me to a number of the ways I’ve strayed – enough to convince me to let the book write itself, rather than shoehorn it into anyone else’s schedule.

In fact, I might just decide to blame you personally for the reason why it’s taken me so long!

- Cnaiur's "Shitload of Kids:"

Quote from: TDTCB, Ch. 6, p173, Small Canadian Paperback
He had fathered thirty-seven sons, nineteen of the pure blood.

- Chekhov's Gun (TV Tropes)
- Lol, me trying to bring everything back to Cast topic at about the ten minute mark.
- Wilshire's g-string quote from the Ch. 3 Excerpt reading (though, I'm positive I've read almost this exact same wording in an interview or on ZTS):

Quote from: Wilshire
A nice quote to end with:
"The whole series has been a strip tease ... and TUC is the g-string shooting across the room, finally leaving everything fully exposed" - R. Scott Bakker

- "WP is a favorite of a lot of ours" - my quote, GJ :P. And, of course, I realize now that my response to you on Schrodinger's topic in Quorum was, in fact, off-topic because you hadn't listened to the Cast yet (unless you did through profgrape's PM).

- Mekeritrig quote; regret quote (I'll have to search more for the regret quote, as I just don't have the time today):

Quote from: Cu'jara Cinmoi, 2004
I can recap and clarify the info that's been given so far: the Nonmen are an ancient race, the 'original people' of Earwa, who are nearly immortal, and who fought both for and against the No-God during the Apocalypse. They are slowly going insane: their minds can only hold roughly four or five human lifetimes of experiences, and as the centuries pass the traumatic experiences they suffer crowd out their other memories, until now, almost all Nonmen remember only the pain and loss in their lives. And some, like the Nonman (Mekertrig) that Kellhus meets in the Prologue, have taken to creating traumatic experiences just so they can have something to remember...

- I think Wilshire meant WP rather than WLW at minute 26.
- MG rampaging in ;).
- Ciphrang/Iyokus/Outside quote:

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 19, p514, Small Canadian Paperback
He threw aside the brilliant carpets and painted the circles across the tiles with deft, practised strokes. Light spilled from his colourless lips as he muttered the Daimotic Cants. And, as the tempest approached, he at last completed his interminable song. He dared speak the Ciphrang's name.

"Ankaryotis! Heed me!"

From the safety of his circle of symbols, Iyokus gazed in wonder at the sheeted lights of the Outside.

- Lol; star-crossed lovers.
- Quote about draft-readers not getting Kellhus (from one of many really good interviews):

Quote from: Bakker, Sep 2004
Originally, my idea was to slowly 'externalize' Kellhus, to move away from his POV and show more and more of his manipulation from the outside. I'd have a wicked gleam in my eye as I wrote, thinking 'What a sneaky bastard!' But my readers kept coming back to me with things like, 'I'm so relieved Kellhus is coming around!' It turned out that Kellhus was duping them as thoroughly as he was duping the characters! They knew he wasn't trustworthy, just as we all know commercials aren't trustworthy, and yet the instinct to think 'Ah, it's OK,' is just so strong (which is why advertisers continue using the tactics they do).

This was perhaps the second greatest difficulty I had writing Kellhus: depicting him in such a way that my readers would always have a sense of the distance between his claims and his intentions. I'm still not happy with the way I resolved this problem.

- "Scourged in the old way" quote:

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 22, p637, Small Canadian Paperback
"Yield, Anasurimbor Kellhus," he said hoarsely. "You will be scourged according to Scripture."

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 23, p672, Small Canadian Paperback
"Serwe executed!" the sorcerer exclaimed. "How could such a thing happen? Proyas? How could you let such a thing happen? She was just-"

"Ask Gotian!" Proyas blurted. "Trying them according to the Tusk was his idea - his! He thought it would legitimize the affair, make it seem less like... less-"

- H's Aurang Quote/1st March:

It lowered its small human head and studied the patterns the innumerable dead had sketched across the plains, marvelling at the resemblances to certain sigils once prized by its species—back when they could actually be called such. Genera. Species. Race.

This is interesting, perhaps confirming what I had speculated in this thread that each Inchoroi could now be very different from each other, through the selective use of the grafts.

- The pause...
- "Even the old things would succumb" quote (TTT):

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 5, p141, Small Canadian Paperback
Even the ancient things, Cnaiur realized, would suffer the Holy War's fate. The Dunyain would strip them the way the People stripped the carcasses of bison. Fat for soap and fuel. Bone for implements. Hide for shelter and shields. No matter how deep they ran, the ages themselves would be consumed. The Dunyain was something new. Perpetually new.

Like lust or hunger.

- Maithanet's quote to Xerius about coming after him (2nd March):

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 9, p232, Small Canadian Paperback
Maithanet's laughter was sudden, loud, reverberant enough to fill even the hollows of great Xothei.

Xerius fairly gasped. The Writ of Psata-Antyu, the code governing Shrial conduct, forbade laughing aloud as a carnal indulgence. Maithanet, he realized, was giving him a glimpse of his depths. But for what purpose? All of this - the mobs, the demand to meet here in Xothei, even the chanting of his name - was a demonstration of some kind, terrifying in the premeditated lack of subtlety.

I'll crush you, Maithanet was saying. If the Holy War fails, you'll be destroyed.

- I was mistaken; Xerius did not have Shrial Exemption, which was the whole loss of his Indenture.
- Probability Trance Vision thread:

Chapter 9:

Only this part really struck me:

Nameless Schoolmen climbing a steep, gravelly beach. A nipple pinched between fingers. A gasping climax. A severed head thrust against the burning sun. Apparitions marching out of morning mist.
A dead wife.
Kellhus exhaled, then breathed deep the bittersweet pinch of cedar, earth, and war.
There was revelation.

Some strong forshadowing here.  Thoughts on what each represents?

- Kellhus quote about using Serwe (Slept with your wife quote):

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 11, p282, Small Canadian Paperback
Of all the souls Kellhus had mastered, few had proven as useful as Serwe. Lust and shame were ever the shortest paths to the hearts of world-born men. Ever since he'd sent her to Achamian, the sorcerer had compensated for his half-remembered trespass in innumerable subtle ways. The old Conriyan proverb was true: no friend was more generous than the one who had seduced your wife...

And generosity was precisely what he needed from Drusas Achamian.

- "Dead Wife" quote; see above to H's Probability Vision quote.

- Kellhus to Cnaiur quote:

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 22, p636, Small Canadian Paperback
"Lie made flesh," he repeated, staring into the fiend's embattled face. "The hunt need not end... Remember this when you recall the secret of battle. You still command the ears of the Great."

- My ramble about Proyas not doing anything with the Zaudunyani's Skin-Spy Head is invalidated because Kellhus, not Proyas, tells Achamian to have the Zaudunyani show him what "lies in the Garden":

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 23, p665, Small Canadian Paperback
"My Nascenti... Tell them to show you what lies in the garden."

- My ZTS post/quote "What's going to happen in the intervening years?"

- Lol - we fuck up MG talking at about 1hr mark because we had to verify via text when people had to get offline. Reading and talking throws everyone off but then we talk for another 30+ min after 15 or 20 min is mentioned.
- Second Crusade corollary to Saubon opening the door of Caraskand.
- Mallahat/Maithanet/Moenghus ZTS thread link: Moenghus = Mallahet?
- Don't have meaning but must (Poison Oak Epileptic Trees - TV Tropes)
- Apparently, we all have got a lot of love for Setup Achamian.
- I believe MG set up a thread about some of this since the Cast was recorded: The Circumfix
- Cememketri, Grandmaster of the Imperial Saik
- Eleazarus reaction quote about Achamian destroying the Scarlet Spires in the Library:

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 16, p424, Small Canadian Paperback
Directly or indirectly, this one Mandate dog had undone whatever advantage they'd gained at the Battle of Mengedda. First, by killing two sorcerers of rank at the Sareotic Library, among them Yutirames, an old and powerful ally of Eleazaras's.

- And Five or Eight? (hint, I'm right ;)):

Quote from: TWP, Ch. 16, p424, Small Canadian Paperback
That evening at the Sareotic Library, watching this one man resist eight sorcerers of rank with glittering, abstract lights, Eleazaras had envied as he'd never envied before. Such miraculous power. Such purity of dispensation. How? he had thought. How?

Fucking Mandate pigs.

- Clearly a good time because we were overclocked and the end seems to come too early.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 04:50:46 pm by Madness »
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« Reply #138 on: February 12, 2016, 05:09:32 pm »
"The Pause" - Did I miss a direct question to me? There was a brief moment where crying in another room needed attending, and I came back to silence.

Notes are much welcomed, thanks Madness.
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« Reply #139 on: February 12, 2016, 05:36:55 pm »
I don't remember where Scott said it, but he also said that Mek's statement "for and against the No-God" should have actually said "for and against the Consult."
I am a warrior of ages, Anasurimbor. . . ages. I have dipped my nimil in a thousand hearts. I have ridden both against and for the No-God in the great wars that authored this wilderness. I have scaled the ramparts of great Golgotterath, watched the hearts of High Kings break for fury. -Cet'ingira


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« Reply #140 on: February 12, 2016, 06:20:05 pm »
No, Wilshire, I think that earlier than your brief sojourn. "The pause..." I noted was an imperceptibly longer silence than usual as we'd all stumbled talking over each other a couple moments before and no one knew when to jump in - thankfully, MG does.

H, I believe that was the quote the guys were actually talking about in the Cast, not the two I set out to find. If you find the one you're on about, let me know so I can update this thread.
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« Reply #141 on: February 12, 2016, 08:11:06 pm »
Yeah, that was funny.  We decided to be polite at all the same time and the result was... DEAD AIR.


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« Reply #142 on: February 12, 2016, 08:31:24 pm »
There are some truly extraordinary dead-air moments in the our casts.
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« Reply #143 on: February 13, 2016, 01:28:18 pm »
Someone brought up that we all knew the Holy War was meant to fail. But the Consult needed it the to destroy the Cish. How? What was the consults plan if Khellus never showed up and "saved" it?
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« Reply #144 on: February 16, 2016, 08:38:55 pm »
They tried to stop the Emperor from betraying it, which he did anyway. If he had supplied water and troops and schools the war would have turned out much differently. The Consult underestimated him, and failed mieserably because of it. Kellhus saving it was a happy coincidence for them, until they realized that some peoples know as "the Dunyain" could see their spies, rather than the Cishaurim (who they thought were discovering the spies, and thus pushed for the wars success).
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« Reply #145 on: March 12, 2016, 04:51:10 am »
TSACast #12 Notes:

- Dagliash Dream; on Ch. 1, p4, Small Canadian Paperback.
- H recalls Achamian's internment by the Scarlet Spires in TWP.
- Weapons of Animata
- The Dagliash Dream "detritus" quote because I think it's awesome:

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 1, p4, Small Canadian Paperback
From the base of the walls to the battlements, wherever the fortress's ramparts faced the sea, countless thousands had been nailed across every surface: here a flaxen-maned warrior struck down in his prime, there an infant pinned through the mouth like a laurel. Fishing nets had been cast and fixed about them - to keep their rotting ligature intact, Achamian supposed. The netting sagged near the wall's base, bellied by an accumulation of skulls and other human detritus. Innumerable terns and crows, even several gannets, darted and wheeled about the macabre jigsaw; it seem he remembered them most of all.

- Dreams featuring Nau-Cayuti begin after Kellhus hypnotizes Achamian and Achamian teaches Kellhus the Cant of Calling - geoffrobro was right.
- Nau-Cayuti's death notation:

Quote from: TTT, Encyclopedic Glossary, p516, Small Canadian Paperback
Then, in 2140, Nau-Cayuti's beloved concubine, Aulisi, was abducted by Sranc marauders and taken to Golgotterath. According to The Sagas, Seswatha was able to convince the Prince (who was once his student) that she could be rescued from the Incu-Holoinas, and the two embarked on an expedition that is almost certainly apocryphal. Mandate commentators dispute the account found in The Sagas, where they successfully return with both Aulisi and the Heron Spear, claiming that Aulisi was never found. Whatever happened, at least two things are certain: the Heron Spear was in fact recovered and Nau-Cayuti died shortly after (apparently poisoned by his first wife, Ieva).

- I said Seswatha is in Eamnor (Atrithau) following his being tacked on the Wall of the Dead at Dagliash; however, as to our indecision about when Seswatha was captured, the Dream dates it to three years after the "advent of the No-God" (and he's being tortured for the location of the Heron Spear specifically):

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 1, p5, Small Canadian Paperback
Three years had passed since the advent of the No-God. Achamian could feel him, a looming across the horizon. A sense of doom.

- Second Dagliash Dream notation fumble; literally the first four pages ;).
- Missing Cants of Calling notation: I am almost positive it's referred to as Compass and Caller at some point but I can't place the quote. Help?
- Lol; somewhere Wilshire pulls us back to TTT via text message.
- The "Cull the Wilfull" analogue begins in Ch. 3, p57.
- Lol - Wilshire calls Caraskand Caraskard even though, in context, I think he meant Joktha.
- Gold paraphrase by MG and geoffrobro: TTT is the "patient unraveling."
- geoffrobro has the best "Coles Notes" descriptions of events in the books: "A couple years ago, I was just a barbarian on the pasture..." Lol. So funny. Cnaiur's just "seen too much." Classic psychological trauma; PTSD.
- MG and Wilshire mention Kellhus dropping his "affect" before Achamian:

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 11, p327, Small Canadian Paperback
The transformation of his expression was subtle enough that someone standing three or more paces away would have missed it, but for Achamian it was enough to send him stumbling back in horror. As one, Kellhus's every facial nuance went dead - utterly dead.

- GJ pops in with his singular and stellar commentary.
- geoffrobro brought up the two quotes regarding a God being mentioned "in two different perspectives" in Joktha:

I believe this was the section he's thinking about from Cnaiur's perspective:

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 7, p201, Small Canadian Paperback
Cnaiur howled in exultation. They came at him with the butts and hafts of their spears, their faces screwed in terror and determination. Cnaiur leapt into their midst, scarred arms hacking. "Demon!" he roared. "Demon!"

Hands clutched for his arms and he shattered wrists. Forms tackled his torso and he snapped necks, crushed spines. All the world had become rotted leather, and he was the only iron. The only iron.

He was of the People.

And the Conphas corollary:

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 9, p233, Small Canadian Paperback
And this one Scylvendi, this Utemot Chieftain. Conphas had witnessed it, as much as any of the Columnaries who'd quailed before him in Joktha. In the firelight the barbarian's eyes had been coals set in his skull. And the blood had painted him the colour of his true skin. The swatting arms, the roaring voice, the chest-pounding declarations. They had all seen the God. They had all seen dread Gilgaol rearing about him, a great horned shadow...

And now, after wrestling him to the ground like some lunatic bull, after the wonder of capturing him - capturing War! - he had simply vanished.

- MG's "Kellhus talking to the World" passage:

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 14, 363
"I know you can hear me," he said to the world, dark and sacred. "I know that you listen."

- profgrape's passage mention:

Quote from: TTT, Ch. 14, 374
Vast was the night. Great was the ground.

And yet they yielded. They yielded.

Step-step-step. Incantations of space. World crossing world.

The hares darted from his path. The thrushes burst from his feet, hurtling into the stars. The jackals raced at his side, their tongues lolling, their loping limbs tiring.

"Who are you?" they panted as their hearts failed them.

"Your master!" cried the godlike man as he outdistanced them. And though humour was unknown to him, he laughed. He laughed until the sky shook.

Your master.

- Lol - profgrape's comment about wanting to read about "this Moenghus guy everyone is so crazy about."
- Beer can opening - I thought I was on mute.
- Rape of Omindalea quote (and despite our collective shite memories, there is the earlier Nonman-human coupling, cited in the Cuno-Inchoroi Wars entry):

Quote from: Cujara Cinmoi, 2005
The Rape of Omindalea. Jiricet, a Nonman Siqû to the God-King Nincarû-Telesser II (787-828), rapes Omindalea (808-825), first daughter of Sanna-Neorjë (772-858) of the house of Anasûrimbor in 824, and then flees to Ishterebinth. When Nil’giccas refuses to return Jiricet to Ûmerau, Nicarû-Telesser II expels all Nonmen from the Ûmeri Empire. Omindalea conceives by the union and dies bearing Anasûrimbor Sanna-Jephera (825- 1032), called ‘Twoheart.’ After a house-slave conceives by him, Sanna-Jephera is adopted by Sanna-Neorjë as his heir.
- The cuneiform script and the syllabaries of the Nonmen are outlawed and replaced with a consonantal alphabet, c.835.

- Wilshire refutes MG, citing the Bakker quote regarding Kellhus as prodigy:

Quote from: Cujara Cinmoi, 2004
Sorry about that. Kellhus is actually a prodigy among even the Dunyain, though any one of them would have us raking their yard and taking out their trash (and loving them for it) inside of five sentences.

- Quote regarding Anasurimbor lifespan:

Quote from: TTT, Encyclopedic Glossary, p580
The Kuniuric period proper did not begin until 1408, when Anasurimbor Nanor-Ukkerja I, exploiting the confusion surrounding the collapse of the Scintya Empire, seized the Ur-Throne in Tryse, declaring himself the first High King of Kuniuri. Over the course of his long life (he lived to the age of 178, the reputed result of the Nonman blood in his veins), Nanor-Ukkerja I extended Kuniuri to the Yimelati Mountains in the north, to the westernmost coasts of the Cerish Sea in the east, to Sakarpus in the south, and to the Demua Mountains in the west. At his death, he divided this empire between his sons, creating Aorsi and Sheneor in addition to Kuniuri proper.

- Wilshire notes Bakker's quote about the Dunyain unintentionally breeding for sorcery:

Quote from: Cujara Cinmoi, 2006
The idea is that pertains to a certain kind of ability to remember. Since memory, like other cognitive capacities, seems to be somewhat heritable, so is the ability - but only somewhat. The thing with the Dunyain, however, is that they have spent millennia breeding for certain cognitive capacities.

- profgrape's comment about Bakker dropping info outside of text, concerning the Tusk:

Quote from: Bakker, June 25/11
The Inchoroi then looked to Eänna, where the Men were both more fierce and more naive. They gave the Chorae to the Five Tribes as gifts, and to one tribe, the black-haired Ketyai, they gave a great tusk inscribed with their hallowed laws and most revered stories–as well as one devious addition: the divine imperative to invade the ‘Land of the Felled Sun’ and hunt down and exterminate the ‘False Men.’

- Sorry, MG, I totally didn't ask you to weigh in on your final thoughts regarding the Moenghus/Kellhus conversation. My bad, friend.

Great cast, all around. Thanks to everyone who participated and those who listen :).
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 04:53:27 am by Madness »
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« Reply #146 on: March 13, 2016, 05:47:55 pm »
I always thought that Sanna Jephera and Nanor ukkerja were the same person, but their is a four hundred year difference between them. Twoheart lived for 207 years and the founder of Kuniuri lived for 178, the Nonmen blood seemed to last. In the appendices there is a Dunyain pragma called Meigon who I think is near 200. So the heritage is still strong in the bloodline of the Dunyain.
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« Reply #147 on: March 29, 2016, 07:22:25 pm »
Madness, how can I get in on the podcast? I'd love to join the conversation.
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« Reply #148 on: March 29, 2016, 07:43:17 pm »
Madness, how can I get in on the podcast? I'd love to join the conversation.

All you have to do is pass this 5 page quiz on the series...


Nah, I'm kidding, we'll include you in the PM for the next one, once we figure out when we're looking to run it.
I am a warrior of ages, Anasurimbor. . . ages. I have dipped my nimil in a thousand hearts. I have ridden both against and for the No-God in the great wars that authored this wilderness. I have scaled the ramparts of great Golgotterath, watched the hearts of High Kings break for fury. -Cet'ingira


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« Reply #149 on: March 29, 2016, 11:15:36 pm »
Lol, what H said :).

I sent you a PM, Blackstone.
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