Earwa > The No-God
TNG- Your expectations and wants
This thread has grown from another thread and would like to know what you guys expect. Why you expect it. And, ultimately, what would be best for Bakker, the author. See, we have a good example what happens when an author veers from his usual content, to that of full on philosophical musings. Insert Steve Erickson, who has had his 3rd and final installment of the Kharkanas Trilogy discontinued. And, I would hope that Bakker not leave so much on the table as he did in TUC. Example- The Akka and Kellhus meeting. Wow. I was expecting some huge reveals and it was set up nicely, only to have Kellhus shrug and walk away. Bad form in my opinion.
I love Bakker and his writing. And, I am sure that Bakker is a good, decent human being. But, a hard-headed one at that. I think he needs to drift from the desolation of a world to that where Mankind can survive, barely. Its not a whole lot of hope and quite frankly a small amount of redemption, if any. The plot has been set up as to where this can happen. And, after the loss, or rather I say it's of so many Bakker fans at the end of TUC (which I don't get, because after reflection, I feel it was done splendidly), and further his AMA comments, which I don't understand the venomous outlash at that.
He needs to bounce back with something new, but the same ol'Bakker style. He did say he was for the first time in his life a discovery writer. Which, regardless of how so many here feel, I think a little girl of his might have an impact on what he thinks human are capable of and what he would want humankind to do.
In short, I think we'll get the same Bakker. Great prose, description top notch, better than anyone I've read and a continue to build a world with so much intrigue and mystery that its had me on this board for 5 years discussing and dissecting.
So please, offer your take on all that I have. Your reasons, why you might think this or that would happen. And, I would love for textual evidence to be sighted. Just not what you would want, but if its what you want, where that's backed up in the story.
First and foremost, like others have mentioned, a better editor. I don't mind purple prose, but it gets too purple at times. Also, I don't mind ambiguity, but it seems Bakker is almost engaging in ambiguity for ambiguity's sake. I don't like the style of saying Shaeönanra is dead and then teasing he might possess the Mutilated in the AMA without any real answer or hint to more conclusive evidence.
Also, we need Mutilated flashbacks.
--- Quote from: Tleilaxu ---First and foremost, like others have mentioned, a better editor. I don't mind purple prose, but it gets too purple at times. Also, I don't mind ambiguity, but it seems Bakker is almost engaging in ambiguity for ambiguity's sake. I don't like the style of saying Shaeönanra is dead and then teasing he might possess the Mutilated in the AMA without any real answer or hint to more conclusive evidence.
Also, we need Mutilated flashbacks.-
--- End quote ---
Great post, what I am looking for, maybe a prediction or two. ;) Always love crazy ( crazy as within textual evidence its possible. But get as crazy as you like. ;)
I disagree, whole heartedly with most if not all of complaints on Bakker's prose. Example: whe I read TUC, its like every sentence, in some cases words were jam packed full of meaning. His descriptions make me not feel like I'm there, but rather I can feel what its like to be there. Not something a lot of writers can do. However, I agree on the editing. Good lord!
MSJ - the first sentence in your 2 posts appear to contradict ( the first seems to be asking what we want to see and the second what we predict ). So I'll respond to each:
I have no expectation for the ( final? ) books, though I started a thread with a humorous prediction of ending, but didn't garner much contribution ( I can't even remember what I said ). Bakker is simply too unknowable for me to have any guess at what he's planning to cook up. Just a shot in the dark, I think he will explore this whole who can see what stuff and a baby will be born in spite of the womb plague as an entity invisible to TNG ... if the gods cannot see TNG, stands to reason TNG can't see stuff either. Outside of the outside of the outside if you will ... which make sense in terms of infinity.
What I would like is more clarity on the ending of TUC. The Shae is dead feels like a manipulation/misdirection given his TFS story.
EDIT: I'm adding to my thoughts here ... I'm looking forward to some VERY cool horrific scenes of mass murder!
Mimara's baby will give the Gods a new perspective and allow them to 'see' the NG. Full on divine battles and world-rending apocalyptic events ensue. Humanity brought to the brink of extinction, and in trying to keep the world open, the Gods seal it shut.
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