Earwa > The No-God
Kellhus and the Dreams - what could it lead to?
Hi All
So, A few people have commented on the idea of Kellhus appearing in the Dreams, perhaps starting with Akka and then the Mandate and Swayali, providing continuity of his leadership and control after Resumption. I provided a few of my thoughts on this, and seeing the positive comments on the idea I thought it would be good to discuss what people think, if this theory is feasible, what it might mean for TNG and the hopes/fates of the protagonists that we think have survived Golgotterath.
What do you think might happen if Kellhus appears in the Dreams? Will he supplant Seswatha, or something else? What would he command? Who will he appear to, and why? Where do you think the story will go if this idea is right? I'd be fascinated to know what people think.
--- Quote from: stuslayer ---What do you think might happen if Kellhus appears in the Dreams? Will he supplant Seswatha, or something else? What would he command? Who will he appear to, and why? Where do you think the story will go if this idea is right? I'd be fascinated to know what people think.
--- End quote ---
Its just a great idea, again, I'm astonished no one ever brought it up. I think Kellhus will supplant Seswatha (as his job is done, the No-God is walking) and aid in the attempt to stop the No-God. I am of the opinion, that only Akka will recieve these dreams and will converse with Kellhus. Akka needs to know of the Mutilated and that Kelmommas is the No-God.
If true, he has access to the Outside, presumably. He can see all of time and mayne aid in what is needed to kill the No-God. Maybe, I'm with H, and think Mimara is the ultimate savior.
I could see Kellhus having manipulated the Dreams such that was positioned to lead the final resistance in case Kellhus failed at Golgotterath. And similarly, I could see the Dreams shifting to Kellhus. Which would be all kinds of amazing as it could reveal tidbits of other things Kellhus had done as a backup plan.
Now that I thinking about it a bit, it would be amazing to start TNG with a Dream. Akka is Kellhus and sowing oats with Esme. Then he wakes up to see both Esme and Mimara lying on the ground in Agongorea.
As I have said in previous threads, I think this theory of yours has potential. :)
I agree that it's quite likely that Kellhus will replace Seswatha in future Dreams, since as MSJ said, what Seswatha tried to prevent already happened, his role could be considered complete (also, Akka is now the Seswatha figure of the story).
I think it would be interesting if Akka's first Kellhus Dream took place chronologically shortly after Akka renounced him, his School and Esmenet back in the spring of 4112. Akka could even "catch up" with significant events in Kellhus' life from the past 20 years over the course of the series.
Now, will anyone else have the Kellhus Dreams? Serwa would be an obvious choice here...it would be interesting to have her react to possibly learning quite a few things she didn't know about the father she idolized - especially after his Thousandfold Thought failed at the end of TUC. As for anyone else, I'd love it if one or more of the witches had survived and become secondary characters who also have the New Dreams. Having at least one other Mandati, such as Saccarees (if he survived, I think it's likely he could have) react to the Dreams would also be nice (Nautzera could even return in this capacity...).
Seswatha's Dreams were always very narrative, and Akka would search for meaning and direction within them, for example finding out about the map to Ishual hidden at Sauglish. Do you think this would be the way Kellhus' Dreams would manifest? Or is it more likely that Kellhus would be more immediate, perhaps like Jagang in the Imperial Order from Terry Badnasty's Wizard's First Rule series? He would become the Goad to stopping the No God, in opposition to the Goad of the IF...
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