What you didn't like in the series or what it lacks?/Excessive Segue of Calvalry

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« on: May 14, 2013, 11:22:29 pm »
Quote from: coobek
I must say its very difficult task to state that. But I think the series lacks humorous moments. I cannot remember laughing while reading.

While other authors, esp A.Sapkowski, can make my eyes cry with laugher.

I guess you should not cry when you reading a Bible... is that kind of literature and therefore humorous moments were ommited?

Did you find humor lacking in the series? What else you did not like?

Don't send me to Inchies for interogation for bringing this topic up...
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 11:28:38 pm by Madness »

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« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2013, 11:22:37 pm »
Quote from: Madness

Nah... that's what I love about this place. Baseline dissension is the norm & "Fallible Human" is the reflex argument here but one that we ultimately work past in our discussions - unlike pretty much every other argument in the real world.

+1 for Disagreeing, Agreeing, & Nerdaneling.

Hm... I experience levity reading Bakker's books in other ways - though, I've laughed and smiled with many character in their small moments of triumph against the injustices (a strange anachronistic distinction, actually).

It's the Second Apocalypse, coobek ;). You want laughs, read Disciple.

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« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2013, 11:22:44 pm »
Quote from: WillemB
Wow, there is a heavy tone to the series ("lugubrious" was a word that Bakker applied at one point) but there are definitely some hilarious moments.  Here's one that made me guffaw from The Warrior Prophet:

“What could they possibly talk about all the time?”

Caught mid-swallow, Kellhus held out a hand. “I’ve heard them,” he said, his eyes wry and bright. “Their conversations sound something like this . . .”

Esmenet was laughing already. Everyone else leaned forward eagerly. In addition to mischievous wit, Kellhus had an uncanny gift for voices. Serwë fairly chortled with excitement.

Kellhus assumed an imperious and warlike face. He spat between his feet, then in a voice that raised goose pimples, so near was it to Cnaiür’s own, he said: “The People do not ride like sissies. They place one testicle to the left of the saddle, one testicle to the right, and they do not bounce, they are so heavy.”

“I would,” Kellhus-as-Proyas replied, “be spared your impudence, Scylvendi.”

Xinemus coughed a mouthful of wine.

“That is because you do not understand the ways of war,” Kellhus-as-Cnaiür continued. “They are hairy, and they are dark, like the cracks of unwashed wrestlers. War is where the sandal of the world meets the scrotum of men.”

“I would be spared your blasphemy, Scylvendi.”

Kellhus spat into the fire. “You think your ways are the ways of the People, but you are wrong. You are silly girls to us, and we would make love to your asses were they as muscular as those of our horses.”

“I would be spared your affections, Scylvendi!”

“But you would live on,” Esmenet cried out, “in the scars I cut into my arm!”

The camp fairly shrieked with laughter. Xinemus hung his head between his knees, shuddering and snorting. Esmenet rolled backward on her mat, screaming in her enticing and adorable way. Zenkappa and Dinchases leaned against each other, their shoulders jerking. Serwë had curled into a ball, and seemed to weep with joy as much as laugh. Kellhus merely smiled, looked about as though mystified by their hysterics.

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« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2013, 11:22:51 pm »
Quote from: Ajokli
I actually found Akka spitting in the face of that guard on his way to Kellhus' coronation pretty funny the second time around

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« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2013, 11:22:56 pm »
Quote from: Madness
A Moment of Levity[/b]

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« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:02 pm »
Quote from: Auriga
TSA is really not meant to be a laugh-out-loud series, so I can forgive Scött for his lack of comedy scenes. To be honest, I prefer the somber "Biblical" mood of TSA over the never-ending "witty" quips in the ASOIAF books, which became stale and annoying really fast.

There's only one scene that made me laugh while reading the book, and it's in TJE when the Skin Eaters are having their "Tarantino moment" and just swapping jokes, with no relevance to the plot at all:

Then they started on beggars, trading tales of this or that wretch. Soma's claim to have seen a beggar without arms or legs was met with general derision. In the spirit of mockery, Galian went one better, saying he saw a headless beggar when he was in the Imperial Army. "For the longest time we thought he was a sack of ripe turnips, until he started begging, that is..."
"And what did he beg for?" Oxwora asked...
"To be turned right side up, what else?"
Laughter crashed through the abandoned halls. Only Soma remained unimpressed.
"How could he speak without a head?"
"You seem to manage well enough!"
A cackling swell.
"In Zeüm—" Pokwas began.
"The beggars give you money," Galian interrupted. "We know."

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« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:13 pm »
Quote from: lockesnow
Quote from: Auriga
Soma's claim to have seen a beggar without arms or legs was met with general derision. In the spirit of mockery, Galian went one better, saying he saw a headless beggar when he was in the Imperial Army. "For the longest time we thought he was a sack of ripe turnips, until he started begging, that is..."
"And what did he beg for?" Oxwora asked...
"To be turned right side up, what else?"
Laughter crashed through the abandoned halls. Only Soma remained unimpressed.
"How could he speak without a head?"
"You seem to manage well enough!"
A cackling swell.
"In Zeüm—" Pokwas began.
"The beggars give you money," Galian interrupted. "We know."
Hah, well played RSB, well played.

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« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:23 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
Yeah, Auriga beat me to it. The Skin-eater banter was pretty fucking funny.

As for other things I legitimately dislike (minor quibbles all):

1. Everyone cries too much. And everyone stares at their feet too much. Is that where all that death is swirling down to or something

2. Bakker is scarily good at horror, but some images like Sorweel's description of the aftermath of a Sranc attack and Seswatha stumbling into the Pit of Obscenities in Golgotterath, are so revolting I'm beginning to wonder if our dear old author doesn't have mafia ties to keep his editor from stalling a book's publication

3. Big exotic descriptive paragraphs bordering
a single line
for emphasis. it gets way too noticeable by the end of book 1, let alone the rest

other than that best fantasy series in the market hands down 5/5 would read again

edit: holy fucking shit lockesnowe

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« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:29 pm »
Quote from: Madness
+1 lockesnow. Again ;).

There's another moment in TJE where Mimara narrowly misses seeing Soma with the Judging Eye...

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« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:35 pm »
Quote from: Duskweaver
Quote from: Auriga
"How could he speak without a head?"
"In Zeüm—" Pokwas began.
"The beggars give you money," Galian interrupted. "We know."
Somaspy demonstrating his inability to grasp paradox, and then an 'In Soviet Russia' joke.

One of the things I love most about Steven Erikson's work is his ability to transition seamlessly between the sublime and the ridiculous, but I don't know of any author who can do both at the same time as well as Bakker.

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« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:42 pm »
Quote from: Callan S.
Quote from: bbaztek
2. Bakker is scarily good at horror, but some images like Sorweel's description of the aftermath of a Sranc attack and Seswatha stumbling into the Pit of Obscenities in Golgotterath, are so revolting I'm beginning to wonder if our dear old author doesn't have mafia ties to keep his editor from stalling a book's publication
It's like some kind of rip tide beneath apparently placid waters. Take you way out.

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« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:47 pm »
Quote from: Curethan
Akka's morning apocalypse.
Oh, the horror.

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« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:53 pm »
Quote from: Madness
You know, that whole beggar joke is actually an oddly heartening juxtaposition. Humour raises Man above Skin-Spies.

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« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2013, 11:23:58 pm »
Quote from: coobek
Of course there is a dwarf issue.

There are NO dwarves.

Although I classify Yalgrotta as a 'dwarf'.

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« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2013, 11:24:06 pm »
Quote from: coobek
If there are no dwarfs there MUST be PIRATES.

So, what were the words of Nonmen of Old when the Incu Holoinas crashed?
What was the speech by Quaya, Ishroi or their Kings?

We don't know.

But for sure we know what Nonmen pirates said...

Well, me hearties, let’s see what crawled out of the bung hole

and last but not least
