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Messages - Somnambulist

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 53
General Misc. / Re: World War IV
« on: August 23, 2017, 07:09:56 pm »
Quote from:  tleilaxu
That's pretty much what democracy is though, except the ones making the decisions seem to more often than not be predatory power-seekers instead of people genuinely seeking the long-term success and proliferation of humans. The opinions of the masses are worthless when you can engineer narratives that have no basis in real world fact, but are only there to feed the narrative. The problem with not having democracy is that all autocratic governments to date have been nepotistic and corrupt.
Imagine having something like an Ark though, an AI that determines how things work. That might ironically be better for us.

I agree the ones in power are, generally speaking, not worried about the overall welfare of the masses. If this new system would be any good it would have to be made up of people who a genuinely concerned with the welfare of everyone. And, I honestly cannot see a way that would happen. What is good for one, is definitely not for another. I don't think there can or will ever be a perfect system. Whats to say these "intellectuals" wouldn't succumb to the trappings of power as everyone inevitably does?

By making it a capital offense to profit in any way, aside from their base pay, while in office.  That would be a good start.

General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S7)
« on: August 23, 2017, 02:17:42 pm »
This is pretty much a throw-away season that only exists to set up the final season.  DEM style all the way, all coherence and suspension of disbelief gone.  It's just silly.  IMO, anyway.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Who actually liked TUC?
« on: August 23, 2017, 02:13:25 pm »
If I set aside my feeling of disappointment and rejection of my hero failing, the end of the book plays out quite nicely. Think of the dark irony and revealatory horror a la Planet of The Apes ending "You Blew It All Up!" Or imagine a Twilight Zone episode ending, with Rod Sterling declaring "And so ends the Great Ordeal, meant to prevent the Second Apocalypse, it became the very vehicle to deliver their enemy's main weapon and doom mankind".

Overall, very similar feelings on my end.  The bold is great.

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC spoilers] The visions - Not Ajokli?
« on: August 23, 2017, 04:05:17 am »
Yep, the Nogod might be responsible.

I should also mention that I meant to say 'decapitants', burrito correct had other plans.

Edit; ffs, autocorrect

Totally off-topic, but 'burrito correct' is pretty hilarious.

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoiler] Minor Aurax Question
« on: August 21, 2017, 05:44:43 pm »

Take out all the duplicate letters:

Now reverse it:

That should clear it up.

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC spoilers] The visions - Not Ajokli?
« on: August 17, 2017, 07:46:10 pm »
Wait, I think we're confused, or maybe I am at least. People think Cnaiur IS Ajokli? That doesn't make any sense. Cnaiur is just crazy. Ajokli is an all seeing god that changes the laws of physics. Ajokli inhabits Cnaiur and walks into the whirlwind. For that brief moment, they are the same, but otherwise separate entities.

Not necessarily.  If Kelmomas is TNG and has always been, why can't Cnaiur be Ajokli (and have always been)?  Ajokli is the Prince of Hate, Cnaiur is 'already a Prince in Hell,' and what human hates more than Cnaiur?  Ajokli is described as sometimes a companion to the Gods, and sometimes an adversary.  Cnaiur has also been companion and adversary to the nations of men.  Trickster?  Maybe... he's clever and crazy as fuck, leading to erratic behavior.  Dunno, to me, it would make a kind of sense if Cnaiur turned out to be Ajokli, or at least could have assumed that mantle.  Kellhus' argument that their actions re-write the Outside could lend some weight to the Cnaiur is Ajokli theory. (hearty shrugs)

The Unholy Consult / Re: Cu'jara/Ku'jara?
« on: August 16, 2017, 11:14:46 pm »
I liked my answer better, but you should probably listen to ThoughtsOfThelli.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Cu'jara/Ku'jara?
« on: August 16, 2017, 11:04:54 pm »
Why, in the Appendix listing for Ishterebinth, is Cu'jara Cinmoi's name spelled Ku'jara Kinmoi?


You know, reasons.  Or raysons.  Or raisonnes.

Actually, it's raisins.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Cu'jara/Ku'jara?
« on: August 16, 2017, 11:02:30 pm »
Why, in the Appendix listing for Ishterebinth, is Cu'jara Cinmoi's name spelled Ku'jara Kinmoi?


You know, reasons.  Or raysons.  Or raisonnes.

General Q&A / Re: The Boy, Crab Hand
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:49:26 pm »
My impression:
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What I understood from TGO was very much the same, though I wonder
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General Q&A / Re: The Boy, Crab Hand
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:34:10 pm »
My impression:
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General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S7)
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:29:39 pm »
Just my 2 cent observation on this season so far: I understand they're trying to get all the pieces in place, hence everyone 'fast-traveling' everywhere in Westeros.  The final season will be all about the war.  I get it.  But... the white walkers are STILL on the other side of the Wall. Still. On.  The.  Other.  Side.  Of.  The.  Wall.  What, they don't have the fast-travel option?  You only get it once you've been to a location already?  Skyrim Forever!


The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Infographic Thread
« on: August 12, 2017, 12:18:53 pm »
A New Hope as told in infographic.

Impressive.  Most impressive.

Also... 'Tick Of The Clock', Chromatics

<drawing intensifies>

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