So, I'm not sure if this has been brought up before. If it has, please just disregard. Otherwise, I have some speculations/gripes about this magical number.
1) This is a special/known number to Earwans:
a) Mentioned by Akka to Mimara in one of their discussions
b) In an excerpt of a chapter heading by some author in Earwan history (in WLW, don't remember specific chapter)
2) Also has meaning to the Inchoroi, as revealed by Wutteat (sp?), in that they reduced the populations of many worlds to this magical quantity
So, are we to believe two separately-evolved species hailing from different planets both hold this number to be holy, some like universal truth? Or is it that the inchoroi brought the number with them and it became, over time, known for one reason or another to human civilizations? Seems it could go either way, but I'm interested in what everyone else's opinions might be.
The number has real-world significance to some religions, popularly indicating the number of saved souls already in or going to heaven (to basely summarize). I find it interesting that Bakker (no surprise at all) turned this concept on it's head as well and suggests that heaven (salvation) is the absence of living in god's presence (damnation). In that respect, with Earwan metaphysics in mind, the inchoroi have it right if everyone is damned no matter what anyway. On the other hand, if they succeed, you're stuck on a planet with no divine intervention, inhabited by all-powerful rape-demons and their cronies. Damned anyway... again. Looks like Earwans got a rough deal either way you look at it.
Anyway, my last nit is this. Who is the poor bastard census taker, traveling the world, tallying the 144,000?? Does it have to be exactly this number or just under this number? If it's exactly 144,000, the Inchoroi need a better way to keep track. Maybe a Dunyain could do the trick...