So I started watching Evil, a prime time show on a major network. I know, I know, it's major network television, so it's likely shit. Well, hmm ... it has elements that make it shit and some that make it much more. I've pretty much given up on major network tv, but this one caught my fancy and giving it a shot. So, yes, the mechanism is shit ( no depth or breath, goes too quickly, fly by television that you get with major market products ), but there's some pretty cool stuff with this and I'm hoping it catches on that some of the writing is actually quite good and they transition to modern episodic medium, but a girl can dream, right?
First, there's a serious look at reconciling pop-metaphysics with god, like ( paraphrasing the show ), "the problem with miracles isn't that they happen, but that they only happen to some and not others" - some Camu going on with this here, kinda cool. And there are some genuinely funny bad characters ( funny ha ha, not funny stupid ). So I'm hoping they continue and make it a deep dive sussing out how any miracles/possessions can happen to "some" and yet God is fair/good. Since it moves so fast, these unfortunately just flash by the viewer. I'm only on the 3rd episode, so maybe it'll get it's sea legs and be something more than just potato chip tv.
Bonus points for the bad guy, he's great and I love the actor, Michael Emerson - that man was born to be an asshole and I love him for it. He's doing some very cool temptation logic on the Priest-in-training lead who is very good in this. I'm not a fan of the other lead, Katja Herbers, but she's doing ok so far.
Anyways, I've laughed a few times ( with the show, not at it ) and there's something to work with, so I'll keep watching it and let you know if it devolves into full on crap or we get somewhere.