This episode really highlighted to me how little I actually care about the show anymore. My wife was on the edge of her seat and I was laying back, I even fell asleep at one point. The episode wasn't too bad, but also wasn't what I'd call great.
After, I figured out, in explaining to my wife, why the Night King is actually the hero (and why I just want the Night King to win):
1.) The Night King is a force of equality. You don't see the dead fighting with each other, do you? Nope, they just march all nice and orderly, no one is fucking around, or trying to do something stupid.
2.) The Night King doesn't fuck around. He handles his shit. He also doesn't waste time talking about doing shit, he just does it.
3.) The Night King doesn't waste shit. Yep, he recycles. Green as can be.
Also, my wife wanted to know why the Night King wants everyone dead. Well, I figured it out:
The Night King just wants some peace and quiet. He just wants everyone to quit fucking around and calm down. He also wants everyone to just die, but that's because he also knows that Winter is coming and dead people can't starve.
So, my wife asked, what will The Night King so if he wins and everyone is dead?
The answer is obvious. Sleep. Finally. In some god damn peace and quiet.