[TUC Spoilers] Reading the Canon Artifact

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« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2017, 02:13:16 pm »
Maybe the myrrh thing is simply to reinforce the skinspy's status as someone who can afford said spice to make themselves smell better (i.e., they're part of the upper classes).  This would make them less likely to be questioned if they're ever caught in potentially compromising situations.
No whistling on the slog!


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« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2017, 03:53:30 pm »
Again, I really don't understand how - Bolivar, looking at you ;) - so many people glossed over this Skin-Spy Esmenet abducting Kelmomas passage... it comes directly after the section where Esmenet frees Kelmomas, ffs. Kelmomas severing Migagurit's ankles... just brutal.

So this first time I read it, I actually assumed it was The Survivor's Son. The return of the Scylvendi made me think of him, that he had doubled back and was shadowing the shadowers. After you guys addressed my skepticism, it seems pretty obvious that it's Kelmomas and the Skin Spy likely brought him to the Ark. I'm ashamed!

Awesome thread, Madness, always appreciate your insights, especially since you've probably been moderating yourself for the last few years, so as to not give anything away.

Regarding the comment about "the meat" or the consequences Sranc withdrawl earlier in this thread... while it's somewhat expected that some readers might react negatively, I am a little surprised by it. My take is that we all knew what we signed up for ahead of time but, more importantly, the depravity totally fits within the context of the story and where things have been heading. I feel like the Second Apocalypse is the only series that could get away with this level of over-the-top shit and not feel like it's being forced or jumping the shark. And Madness is right, it's very clear that it's confined to the opening of the book, one last trial for the Ordeal to overcome before the final showdown at Golgotterath. And the scenes it set up with the last whelming and Proyas are all pretty amazing.

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« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2017, 02:20:01 pm »
Ch. 14:

I believe the opening epigraph should be attributed to the fighting Norsirai of the Holy Way at Mengedda.

Quote from: HC TUC, p266
A chevron of geese drawn long and ragged fled across the bluing skies.


Lmao. What are we, in a John Woo movie? Also, nod to Achamian's OG mule and that moment most prized by Mandate Schoolman (and no doubt Swayali Witches).

And thus begins the Battle at Golgotterath.

I love that Kellhus divided the Ordeal into the three "Trials" of the Ordeal (p267) - doesn't seem quite so neat a division or description regarding which Schools are paired with which Trials as when the Great Ordeal divides into the Four Armies for forage at the Leap.

I actually hadn't recalled this part but MG mentioned it on the weekend "the Black Mouth of Golgotterath" (p268) - definite Tolkien nod (Black Gates/Mouth of Sauron).

Quote from: p268
The chorus rumbled out across Shigogli, and the Men heard what their ancient forebears had once heard - as the Nonmen had heard before them: the way the Horns reflected shredded echoes, and so mocked all collective declaration.


Quote from: p269
Im'vilaral, the Nonmen of Viri had called them so very many indignities ago, the 'Horizon-that-has-teeth.'

I'll take this as a nod to Athjeari (though, it's probably unintentional), scourge of Fanim, second only to the Horns themselves! Hurall’arkeet!

The parable of the Pitarwum of the Yimaleti is great.

I think I'm going to bullet point the battle for the lulz: (see bottom of post.)

Quote from: p275
Only the Nonmen, Nil'giccas and his allies, had managed to overrun this, the most wicked of all places.

We talked about this over the weekend. Cool. Shit. Not only that the Nonmen were the only Earwan force to get into the Ark but then to proceed to purge it over five hundred years!


That pesky short notation that seems to be eluding a good number of readers about the Scylvendi taking out the Ordeal's scouts ;) (p276). I will admit, it's short.

Hringa Vukyelt, son of Hringa Skaiyelt of First Holy War fame pushes forward to present terms to the Consult (p276). Badass... but count me among those who enjoy connecting obscure dots. Pins and string, people!

Again, I'm just going to keep claiming minority outright but I actually like the opening back and forth between Mekeritrig and the Ordeal, especially given that he might simply be speaking to Kellhus rather than the Ordeal or humankind as a whole.

Quote from: p278
The Holy Aspect-Emperor stood unharmed, his Believer-King kneeling at his side. A wild mane of scorching formed a perfect circle about them, blackened earth still smoking.

Kellhus testing Cet'ingira... Brave Vukyelt. But is it courage or foolhardy stalking a more powerful shadow...

Proyas. Saubon. But then Oinaral trusting Sorweel's destiny to preserve him was also foolhardy, though the alarum was heard. Things to ponder...

Quote from: p280
monstrous Hagazioz, the Feathered Worm of the Pit, a Godling the size of two galleys set end upon end.

Kakaliol is great but Hagazioz is fantastic... a cousin of Zioz, maybe?

Quote from: p281
Their deception spent, the Ursranc surged onto the heights of Golgotterath's walls, armoured in hauberks of black scale, their cheeks branded with Twin Horns, hooting in their corrupt tongue.

Twin Horns/White Hand, Ursranc/Uruk-hai.

Quote from: p281
One thousand Kites, as the Ordealmen had come to call them, fairly every sorcerer of rank the Major Schools of the Three Seas could muster.

The greatest assembly of sorcerous power the World may have ever seen.

Quote from: p283
I fear more horrific souls have claimed me.

I've wondered about this line by Iyokus... he could be interpreted as to mean greater Ciphrang, Kellhus himself, or even Ajokli, given that Iyokus is even more to blame than Achamian for creating Kellhus as he is (having provided him with the Daimos as Achamian did the Gnosis.

Great passage regarding being a husband at a pregnancy - as it's been relayed to me by friends and family anyhow (again count my among those few who actually enjoyed reading about a pregnancy in a fucking Fantasy novel) (p284).

Quote from: p286
"Someone, Mother ... Someone must see."

Given that Anagke mid-wifs their lives, it's possible that Achamian, personally, has to appreciate that specific vista.

Quote from: p287
But the Triunes continued their blind advance, converging upon the one thing they could clearly sense in the swirling great monotony: the fallen Trinkets of the Chorae Hoard, strewn about the base of the very stoneworks they had exposed and weakened.

I really love this bit - especially how the Triunes were established to carry their compatriots from battle in the advent of near-hits by Chorae.

Quote from: p288
Domathuz collapses "revealing stacked floors that crawled as broken beehive, a glimpse of a thousand inhuman throes, before all dropped howling into the smoke and ruin below.

What a great and horrifying image.

Quote from: p288
For the first time in history, the belly of Golgotterath lay exposed to the licentious fury of Men.

Love the Achamian section that ends the chapter, seeing the towers of Golgotterath fall. The Wizard of the Second Apocalypse! And as I said over the weekend, I don't have the eye for it that others have but I can see the camera lens peering towards Achamian's back, Golgotterath and the Horns framing him against the sky, while the Ordeal and Schools unleash their fury.

The Battle at Golgotterath:

- Vukyelt calls terms.
- Cet'ingira tries to get Kellhus in a Chorae Hail.
- Kellhus Translocates.
- Iyokus and the Scarlet Spires unleash the Ciphrang from above.
- The walls of Golgotterath are covered with Wards and the Scarlet Spires set the Ciphrang on those of the High Cwol, the walls of the Intrinsic Gate.
- Chorae Bowman advance and hit the Wards on the walls:

Quote from: p281
The Chorae Hoard rained upon and across them, each sparking violent dissolution, explosions of salt. Blocks cracked. Joists groaned. The Ursranc on the parapets were thrown from their feet.

      - Clear Ordeal objective, take out the Quyan Wards (p281).
- Serwa commands the Schools to unleash the Ordeal's sorcerous contingent, first move obscuring the ramparts with dusk and grit (a la Kellhus with mist at Sakarpus).
- Schools advance through their shroud using the Chorae Hoard, which lay against the foundations of the walls, to orient themselves while dodging another Chorae Hail.
- Consult waits in defensive position.
- The Scarlet Spires and the Mandate take out Corrunc.
- The mundane Ordeal "surges forward" (p287).
- Domathuz falls to the Schools.
- The Swayal assail the Ubil Maw.

To Be Continued and Collated... Current Perceived Advantage: Ordeal.

Read Ch. 14 in two sittings over two days. I very likely won't get another sitting until tomorrow afternoon - though I'm going to try and put a couple more hours work in transcribing Zaudunyanicon audio while I babysit.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 02:30:39 pm by Madness »
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« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2017, 05:05:54 pm »

I yielded to the scholastic impulse and made notes/signs in the margins so as to have a less interrupted reading experience. I will work on that today and tomorrow so then I can get into the dividends of Zaudunyanicon (pictures/audio transcription) as well as some other outstanding fandom due diligence... since my foot shall be functional again soon enough and take me out of SlugLife2.0.

Chapter 15 and on were done in three sessions. Thankfully the majority of that was today.

I can't say I'm any more or less confused than before regarding the ending. It all seems pretty clear to me - or I suppose we all say that ;). I'll peruse the Glossary over the next couple weeks but I doubt I'll make Almanac notation for it yet.

As per Bakker's draft suggestions, the Macbeth (OST 2015) has been welded to my experience of TUC and the last two chapters (seeing as preceding chapters were split or added to to create new chapters) likewise paired with Requiem for Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, 2 Mixed Choirs and Orchestra by György Ligeti on repeat - which I'm sure everyone might better know simply as "The Monolith Music."
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 05:08:36 pm by Madness »
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