Domocracy is by no means perfect, as an American, at this moment, any sane half-educated person can tell you. But, not to veer to far off topic, the Left has been asking for this. The white-male. In America has been increasingly ignored and the views and feelings not taking into consideration. Trump isn't at all what a president should be, but no one can say he's dumb. He new this about the white -male being ignored and he chise to not ignore them and they came out in droves and put him in office.
Whats better than democracy, though? A king ruling over America and we're all just his loyal subjects and pay our taxes and praise him? Nah. The simple fact is there is no perfect system. And Wilshire, i think it's a very weird statement that you think that everyone should not have the right to vote. Who do you suggest has that right? Those with 4 year degrees? Count me out. Thanks for taking that away from me. Just because I don't have college education, doesn't mean I'm not educated and try to stay up with current topics. As an American, everyone has the right to vote and should be protected. Just cause someone is not educated to your liking, doesn't mean they don't have issues they hold dear to their heart. I certainly don't want just the "elite" voting. As much as I hate the President Trump is our president, it gives me faith in the Democratic process. That when voices who have not been heard and ignored, rally and come out and vote the can change history. Just this time, in the wrong fucking way, I admit.
I'm scared as an American. After Charlottesville, President Trump should have condemned the Neo-Nazi's. Instead, he weaved around it, so as to not lose any votes for his next term. Trump isn't about a better America, he's about Trump. I hope and pray they find a way to impeach him, I truly do. But, is the VP any better? I don't think so. So, let's hold out hope we can make it another 3 and 1/2 years without WWIII or a Civil War. And, I can guarantee that Trump will not be back in office. We will see the ones he's ignored and ostracized come forth and vote to remove his dumbass. I have faith in that.
I remember saying on this very forum, that while I didn't vote for Trump, that maybe, just maybe he would do some good. Get the corruption out of D.C., not was I wrong. He's a megalomaniac that is only concerned about himself, and thats dangerous. I condemn what happened in Charlottesville, I texted families and friends of mine (Afican-American) that we need to stand together, don't let this year us apart. Its hard for them. There very scared, to say the least that our president wouldn't condemn the actions of these terrorists and that's what they are. I would stand by the Left in this instance, without a doubt. But, the Left seems to ignore another threat, Islamic extremism and the threat the pose. And, quite frankly, I am sick and tired of the political correctness in this country. Why can't we just say things are what they are. We can all see it. Is all of Islam and, no. But, we as a nation need to take both the alt-right and Islamic extremism very seriously and quit parsing words in order to not offend someone. There comes a time that when it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a fucking duck, man. I just think people need to grow some balls, if not, this country is dire straights that might be the ruin of it. Sorry for my rant. Just needed to get it off my chest.