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Messages - locke

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Author Q&A / [TGO SPOILERS] Who writes the rules of sorcery?
« on: June 27, 2016, 06:27:20 pm »
If the world is a game whose rules are written by the God, and sorcerers are those who cheat and cheat, then who has written the rules of sorcery?

Did the gods write the rules of sorcery to allow sorcerers to "cheat and cheat" because sin tastes good and sorcery sin tastes especially good?

Author Q&A / Re: Reading, resituated
« on: June 27, 2016, 05:53:48 pm »
Damn. the fathers and sons terminology made me think they were related.

Why does the Boatman begin to sing about Anarlu at that point?  Who is Anarlu?

Author Q&A / Re: Wreoleth
« on: June 27, 2016, 05:51:55 pm »
thank you, that's very interesting, I presume the hack is related to the concept of Larder and the Larder is related to the chain of people into the Golden room.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Malowebi
« on: June 26, 2016, 05:17:57 am »
I thought that perhaps he'd been turned into a Wathi doll or something acting on similar principles and that was how/why Kellhus commanded him to go and assassinate the Zeumi leadership.  Basically a bigger version of Akka asking the Wathi doll to come and destroy the uroborean circle.

The way I read it is when Kellhus placed the decapitant's head on his body, then the Cphrang is bound by Kellhus's will since he killed it and brought it from the Outside. Of course, there probably has to be some sorcery involved there. Namely, I believe that Kellhus has had Ishroiya ensorcelled, since Malowebi's head still seemed to be "alive".

Part of what is confusing to me is that it seems like Malo's POV continues after his decapitation but with the Decapitant's head fused to Malo's decapitated body.  It seems like Malo's POV ought to have ended when his proper head was removed and that Malo's body would now more-or-less be belonging to the Ciphrang. 

Akka did talk about soul-trapping earlier in the book with Mimara...perhaps a set up of sorts for this saying that souls are exceedingly maybe Kellhus' new assassin is somehow part Ciphrang and part Malo?  That would be a crazy POV to have in the next book.
Which might explain why he said malowebi was his favorite to write

Author Q&A / Re: What did Dunyain do for food in Ishual?
« on: June 26, 2016, 05:13:41 am »
In earlier versions of TTCB I actually explain the logistics of Ishual, the division of agricultural labour among the Dunyain, and so on. But once I realized just how big the info mountain the reader need to climb was, I began ripping out all nonessential details. By time Akka and Mimara reach Ishual...
I think a _book of lost tales_ is needed. Atrocity Edits!

Author Q&A / [TGO SPOILERS] Movies
« on: June 25, 2016, 06:29:03 am »
What is your favorite film?

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Momemn
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:49:40 pm »
That is the theory, the gods can't conceive being wrong, so the halos get applied to the thing when perception exposes a dissonance

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Momemn
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:40:27 pm »
the gods can't conceive of skin spies existing, but can conceive of humans existing.

This is actually probably why skin spies were invented, not to spy on the mandate, but to give the consult agents invisible to the gods and thus be able to thwart the white luck and other manifestations of the will of the gods (or subvert or adopt it to their own ends).

speaking of, the interaction of Samarmus, Inrilitus, Maithanet, Kelmomas, Esmenet and Theliopa is crucial to crafting an outcome wherein the white luck warrior is "surprised" by Kelmomas, thus thwarting the White Luck's assassination of Kellhus.

Did Kellhus sacrifice three of his children, and craft Kelmomas into a monster in order to save Esmenet?

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishual/The Demua Mountains
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:46:53 pm »
Sorry if my misunderstanding of biology and pregnancy are grossly inadequate.

Pregnancy is not a one-way street, basically, you don't just get to input sperm and take out baby and the mother is irrelevant other than a tank. You can't increase viability while decreasing physical activity. You can't increase viability while eliminating language. you can't increase viability while keeping women in cortisol state of eternal stress. you can't increase viability when eliminating vitamin D. and on and on and on and on and on. and without even touching on the new discoveries of the profound feedback loops (negative and positive) that epigentics is unraveling.

You can certainly breed for "breeding" characteristics, like how the dunyain have obviously bred to select for multiples, but this will also simultaneously breed for smaller progeny.  Given the immense nutritional deficiencies of what we know of the dunyain dietary, halflings is what they should probably be at this point.

 Basically the dunyain use methods guaranteed to make conception extremely unlikely, to guarantee high rates of still births and miscarriages while somehow breeding male and female characteristics into vastly different outdomes in spite of all the interdependent variables that a common breeding stock would necessitate.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishual/The Demua Mountains
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:30:55 pm »
No-God = Zero-God = Yatwer, amirite???


I think it is more like the Zero-God = The Absolute.

Thus, Koringhus grasped the Absolute.

The Absolute is that which comes before everything, the sum of all consciousness.

The No-God is the antithesis of the Absolute.

The No-God is the sum of all non-consciousness.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:23:06 pm »
As to what.

Author Q&A / [TGO SPOILERS] Wreoleth
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:03:22 am »
I don't get it. At all. What happened?

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TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Aorsi/Dagliash
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:02:29 am »
Wreoleth is the point of biggest confusion for me from this book.

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Author Q&A / Re: Haloed Hands
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:01:44 am »
I think you both are wrong.

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Author Q&A / Place. Boy. Man. Kellhus
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:58:57 am »
In a re read I also noticed that there are interesting elements of kellhus' psyche involving "place" in both coming down from the circumfix and in casting his cant of translocation at the end of thousandfold  thought. Do all of these things have a significant relationship?

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