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Topics - Hogman

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The Unholy Consult / The thing we're all missing
« on: August 20, 2017, 10:50:50 am »
I can't find a thread anywhere that discusses the thing we've all missed, so this is it.

In the Unholy Consultation thread, Bakker says the following:

In TTT, Kellhus says the Mangaecca squat, chanting about Aurang's real body to relay him to the Synthese.  But, the Consult's Brain Trust seems to be restricted to just Mek, Shauriatus, Aurang and Aurax (and then the Mutilated).  Were there any other Minds among the Consult for the past 2 millenia or has it just been those four?  If so, given their .. dilapidated status how did Consult programs like breeding the Inversi actually function?  How did they manage it with so little sane manpower? 

Your second question leads me to believe that pretty much everyone has missed a certain boat, in which case, I can only say, RAFO!

3. It seems kind of foolish that the Consult would bring Dunyain back as prisoners. Was it simple arrogance that made them feel safe in doing so, or are you actually kind of saying that the Consult brain trust isn't that great and has degraded?

3) Hmmm. I'm beginning to suspect that something rather significant has gone unrecognized. Either way, humility is not among the many virtues enjoyed by the Consult.

I've been pondering this for a few days, and I have a theory. It goes like this:
The original Dunyain were composed of an Anasurimbor, and some "refugees". Who were these refugees? My theory is that they were agents of the Consult, whose mission was to protect the Anasurimbor until such a time as the Consult were strong enough to resurrect the No God. Since they were able to activate the sarcophagus with Nau Cayuti, they believed one of his descendants would be able to do the same. Some or all of the refugees/Dunyain have been working with the Consult the whole time, communicating with them via sorcery. This was why sorcery was considered blasphemous by the Dunyain - so the Anasurimbor would never be able to work out that the communication was taking place.

This would appear to answer both points above, namely that the extra brainpower was coming from the Dunyain, and the Dunyain were taken to the Ark not as prisoners but as comrades. We found out right at the end of TUC that at least one of the Dunyain possessed sorcery, which was already implied anyway by the fact that Kellhus considered them any kind of a threat. Maybe they knew sorcery all along?

Any thoughts on this theory? Any other theories? I have one big hole in mine that I can't fill: At the end of one of the books (the WLW?) the Consult are torturing people to try to find out what the Dunyain are. It appears they genuinely don't know of their existence.

General Earwa / Real life Apocalypse
« on: August 16, 2017, 08:15:17 pm »
Does anyone else ever have a little smirk to themself whenever they hear Bakker-related things innocently spoken by someone who knows nothing of him? My favourite was in a lecture a few years ago, when the lecturer said, "I see a number of blank faces in the audience". I had no idea some of my peers were skin-spies, nor that the lecturer was Dunyain!

The Unholy Consult / 100 stones, 100 books
« on: August 15, 2017, 05:21:02 pm »
I'm sad enough to keep a list of every fantasy book I've ever attempted to read, together with ratings for each and every one. It wasn't until I finished it that I realised The Unholy Consult is exactly number 100! It also takes the crown as the best book I've ever read.

Just thought I'd share that.  :)

The Great Ordeal / [TGO SPOILERS] Momas Almighty
« on: August 19, 2016, 01:09:07 pm »
There's a reference to "Momas Almighty", some kind of a deity, on page 460. Any relation to Kelmomas? Perhaps there's an ancient language in which "Momas" literally means God? Perhaps Kel Momas (or Cel Momas) has a meaning? The fact that it comes very close to the reveal that the White Luck Warrior is blind to Kelmomas made me think there was some significance to it.

The Great Ordeal / [TGO SPOILERS] Head on a pole
« on: August 19, 2016, 10:19:46 am »
I'm not greatly interested in philosophy, so some of the things in Bakker's books go right over my head. The worst example of this was the whole "head on a pole" section. Can anyone give me any explanation of what it means?

Apologies if this has already been covered, I finished TGO last night and have only been through some of the old threads so far.

The Great Ordeal / [TGO SPOILERS] Kellhus/Bakker
« on: August 19, 2016, 10:14:27 am »
"...We are all mummers here! All of us! Prophet or not, our Holy Aspect Emperor must control what Men see...All of us have roles to play, Proyas, and no one gets to choose which."
"What are you saying!"
"That our parts remain to be written. Perhaps you're to be the fool...or the traitor...or the long-suffering doubter...". A bleary gaze, filled with hilarity and rheumy spite. "Only he knows!"

Did anyone else read this and think there's a double meaning here? On the face of it "he" is Kellhus. But it's also Bakker. Only he knows what will happen.

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