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Messages - Zadok

Pages: 1 [2]
General Earwa / Re: Akka's "Power Level"?
« on: June 05, 2014, 02:31:43 pm »
Maybe I'm looking at it too much in video game terms, I'm just curious how much native intelligence plays a role in the power of the cant.  For example would Kellhus using Anagogic sorcery be able to rank Gnostic sorcerers or is the gulf in power too great?  Or how Meta-Anagogic Cants would stack up against the regular Gnosis.

General Earwa / Re: Akka's "Power Level"?
« on: June 05, 2014, 01:10:02 am »
This is an interesting discussion, it's not really clear to me how "power" is determined though.  Would a Kellhus Gnostic Cant be inherently stronger than an Akka Gnostic Cant because of his intelligence and purity of meaning, or would his advantage be in being able to cast them effortlessly and continuously while Akka would tire first?  Also, is it possible to create new utterals and inutterals or is Kellhus mixing and matching ones that are already used when he does his Meta-Gnostic Cants?

Introduce Yourself / Hey
« on: June 04, 2014, 01:12:02 am »
I never noticed this forum before I started my thread, apologies if I violated some rule of the slog  :)  I've been lurking for awhile reading all the archived posts and speculations, very interesting, figured I should finally register and maybe post a bit.

General Earwa / Re: Skin Spies and the Judging Eye
« on: June 03, 2014, 10:09:21 pm »
I read the chapter again, it seems like Soma comes over and starts talking to her right after the Judging Eye opens and the Chorae transforms.  I thought seeing the Chorae as the bright light was related to the Eye being open but then she wonders if Kosoter's Chorae would also shine in her "natural"(assuming this meant the Eye is closed) sight.  But then in the WLW there's no mention of the bright Chorae until she sees Kosoter with the Judging Eye.  She even described them as "dark little twins sucking oblivion" earlier, so I'm not sure what to think.

General Earwa / Re: Skin Spies and the Judging Eye
« on: June 03, 2014, 02:08:44 am »
Possibly, I may be confused because of the Chorae, I assumed when she was seeing it as the light that meant her Eye was open.

General Earwa / Skin Spies and the Judging Eye
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:08:09 am »
I was re-reading TJE and it struck me as odd that Mimara wasn't able to identify Soma when she saw him with the Judging Eye.  Surely he would've at least appeared different from all the other Skin Eaters but she doesn't remark on it.  Or is it possible to be damned even when you don't have a soul?

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