ARC: TDTDCB Chapter 3

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« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2018, 02:05:31 pm »
There is a moment in TWP where Akka is stumbling through camp and he thinks he sees a young Esmenet. I'm of the opinion that who he actually saw was Mimara.

A neat theory, but wouldn't she have been well across the Sea by then?  She also never mentions being a part of the Holy War, unless I am forgetting something.
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« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2018, 11:29:08 pm »
There is a moment in TWP where Akka is stumbling through camp and he thinks he sees a young Esmenet. I'm of the opinion that who he actually saw was Mimara.

A neat theory, but wouldn't she have been well across the Sea by then?  She also never mentions being a part of the Holy War, unless I am forgetting something.

I agree with H here, it was a good theory, but we know that Mimara was taken to High Ainon (more specifically, Carythusal) by the slavers she was sold to and lived there until Esmenet's agents found her years later. I think she never mentions leaving Carythusal during those years.

Shimeh isn't far from there - Kellhus goes on to conquer one of those to right after his anointment in Shimeh. This could be true assuming that Moenghus didn't start his conquest of the Cishaurim in their holy city - which makes sense. He'd want to do his own 'prince of nothing' bit outside the power center. Once he had a proper identiy - Mallahet - he'd eventually make his way to Shimeh. During that time he would have realized he needed a child for TTT and would have sired Maithanet.

The story of Maithanet's birthplace could have been muddled by hearsay, but Nilnamesh and Cingulat  are far enough south to be confused for eachother in rumors.

Kind of like how people in the US know about where Israel is (probably), but the rest of the middle east is just 'a place' ie most people don't know specifically where each country/city is in relation to eachother just that its over here ... somewhere.

Point being, the rumors of Maithanets origins are close enough to what is likely the truth for it not to matter much either way.

I see, so the story wasn't too far off from the truth after all. Thanks for the breakdown of this bit of backstory. :)

Earwa genetics are a bit Fantastic ;)

They really are. TLEILAXU referred to them as "Bakker genetics" when talking about the Holca in Quorum the other day, and I think that's an apt term. It reminds me of how some people in the ASOIAF community would refer to the very characteristic genetics of some of the Houses in that series as "Martin genetics", so it's a term that I think I'll start using when talking about Eärwan genetics.

I didn't really get the impact of this when I read it initially - not like the revelation in TWP where Kellhus reveals he's of the Few. I think you're right, its largely a clue to his family heritige, along with his other physical attributes. In retrospect, its glaringly obvious that he's related to Kellhus.

Those Bakker genetics, they should clue you in when talking about Dûnyain every time...
Interesting how no one is really sure in-universe (or out of it, really) if being of the Few is a hereditary trait or not (or at least a wholly hereditary trait), and yet we have 6 confirmed cases in 3 generations of the Anasûrimbor family (Moënghus, Kellhus, Maithanet, Koringhus, Serwa and Kelmomas - though it's not clear in the last case if it's Kelmomas or Samarmas that is of the Few, or even both).

Oof. Knowing his last free moments are behind him hurts more because of how it ends.
Poor guy.

It is indeed very tragic in retrospect. Poor Proyas. :(

The skin-spies have been around for hundreds of years at this point. People, especially those in high station who have unknowingly been in contact with them for centuries, are probably used to this flat-affect effect. And I agree, skin-spies everywhere.

You're right, if they have been doing a good enough job of blending in and not attracting too much attention to themselves, everyone around them would eventually rationalize that "emptiness" as part of the character of whoever they were pretending to be. That's just good old human nature...
They really were playing the long game here, and it really makes me wonder how long skin-spies such as not-Skeaös had been around, but that's something I'll save for my comment in the chapter 5 thread.
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