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The Great Ordeal / [TGO SPOILERS] Meppa's Future Role?
« on: December 20, 2016, 06:19:33 am »
We know that Kellhus spared Meppa's life at the end of TGO. However, the reason for this is not evident as yet, but we can conjecture that it has something to do with the powers and characteristics of the Psûkhe.

The things we already know about sorcery in general are:
1. Sorcerers imitate the Voice of God.
2. The reason that sorcerers (Gnostic/Anagogic) have a visible (to certain people) Mark is because their imperfect imitation of the Voice of God bruises the onta.
3. Cishaurim do not possess a Mark as their way of accessing sorcery imitates the Voice of God in a much more precise way due to their blinding themselves and seeing through holes.
4. The Gnosis is superior to the Anagogis as it directly creates changes in the World while the Anagogis has to use abstractions to describe the world.
5. The Anagogis is in turn superior to the Psûkhe (in direct strength) as the Psûkari are blinded to the majority of the world and so cannot use detailed magics.

Basically - the Gnosis is analogous to speaking technical language to the World, directly shedding Meaning. The Anagogis is analogous to speaking to the World in poetic language - some Meaning is lost. And the Psûkhe is equivalent to speaking to the World in simple language, with lesser control over Meaning, but imitating the Voice of God perfectly.

The reason that Moënghus Elder was unable to muster much sorcerous power was due to the Dûnyain's atrophied emotions - he was never able to muster the passion required to even be a Secondary, much less a Primary. Kellhus knows this, and would be preparing contingencies. He is already the greatest Gnostic and Daimotic (and presumably Anagogic) sorcerer in history due to his extreme intellect and the Thousandfold Thought.

However, to truly speak in the Voice of God, he needs the Psûkhe. We all know from Achamian and Xinemus's captivity with the Scarlet Spires that Cants of Compulsion force the one Compelled to feel exactly as they are compelled to. Therefore, I predict that Kellhus will use Meppa's Waters to Speak in the Voice of God with precise meaning, rewriting reality itself - possibly disenchanting the world/sealing the Outside/messing with the Gods themselves.

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