Any pen&paper roleplayers here?

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« on: September 22, 2013, 03:46:46 pm »
Just curious.

As Scott himself is one and his Earwa was a Game-Setting before it ever became a setting for novels, i think we are right at home here  ;D

So yes, i am one. And i would kill for an official p&p RPG of Scott's world.

So how about you gals and guys? And if you are a p&p rpg player, tell us what kind of systems and worlds you like.
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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2013, 10:16:17 pm »
I used to be an avid player of D&D 2nd edition YEARS ago.  Then got into D&D 3.5, and most recently Pathfinder and Savage Worlds.  However, my favorite of all time was Rolemaster's Shadow World.  Role master was, imo, one of the more 'realistic' systems, and coupled with all the cool science-fantasy of Shadow World, ticked all my rpg 'like' boxes.  Don't really play much anymore, but I agree with you:  would definitely love to see RSB rpg.
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« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 04:53:25 am »
Haven't played in ages but I collect RPG setting books.

Right now I'm looking at the Numenera book, which is pretty awesome. I also liked the books for Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Awakening, Eberron, and just about everything Planescape related.

In fact, I continually add to the Planescape Inspiration List, which is more a collection of art, poetry, music, film, short fiction, gaming stuff, and so on at this point...


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« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2013, 10:18:44 am »
Okay, so i'm not the only uber-geek here  ;D

I myself am a total Fantasy-nut. Sci Fi is not my thing, i guess. The only exceptions are Star Wars and Star Trek (maybe Stargate if you count that as Sci Fi).

Right now, i'm playing the new Star Wars game and really like it (done by FFG). I like the new fancy dice-mechanism  8)

In general i am much more into games that utilize dice-pools (versus linear distribution games like all the DnD stuff, d20 games and d100 games). Although Runequest6 might get a chance at my table soon.

Favorite Settings are Dragonlance (nostalgia reasons  ;D ) and Birthright from TSR era, 7th Sea, Exalted and Artesia.

As said, i'd "kill" for a Earwa game and also for a rpg treatment of Steven Erikson's Malazan world. Maybe one of these days i have to do an adaption by myself.

Right now i am working on an own setting with a good friend of mine. It will be more bronze/iron age style instead of the usual fake european medival age.

Oh and, stating the obvious, i really think you two should both take up this awesome hobby again! Do know you want to  8) ;D ;)
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« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 12:23:46 pm »
Some day I'll find myself at a DnD table, but it is not this day.


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« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2013, 05:45:07 pm »
People might want to check out Eclipse Phase, especially Bakker fans who I suspect make up a large majority of this forum. ;-P

From what I understand the books are all free under the Creative Commons license. You play in a transhuman setting where the solar system has been colonized. With a dystopian spin you could reenact the glory days of humanity before we killed our women and turned into the Inchoroi. ;-)


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« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2013, 09:04:10 pm »
Another new setting called Accursed:

"This tale begins with  a world of dark fantasy and perilous adventure, where the forces of evil have triumphed.

In such a world, those who remain uncorrupted by wickedness must rely upon monsters to fight against the darkness. Witches have ruled the land since the last battles of conquest, but their Grand Coven has been sundered, leaving behind remnants of a once-mighty army. The remnants of the horde include captured citizens of the conquered nations that fought as the Witches’ shock troops.

These are the Accursed—the Witchmarks burned into their flesh and souls transformed these men and women into monstrous forms. Now, unable to return to their former lives, the Accursed   wander the land, giving aid to those in need in an attempt to atone for past sins. Some have joined the Order of the Penitent, an organization devoted to ridding the world of the Witches and their evil influence. Others offer their skills as warriors, alchemists, and spies to the highest bidder. Yet others have succumbed to corruption, greed, or insanity.

Light has failed, darkness is ascendant—only those bearing the forms of monsters can stand against the tide of the Witches’ evil. The Accursed are this world’s only hope—they must learn to embrace their curse or to fight against it, and find some way to free themselves forever of their Witchmark.

This is the world of Accursed."


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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2013, 06:00:29 pm »
The Strange, a Tabletop RPG by Bruce Cordell & Monte Cook

"Monte Cook Games is thrilled to announce its next big tabletop roleplaying game: The Strange! Written and designed by Bruce Cordell and Monte Cook, The Strange is a game that crosses multiple worlds, called recursions, which player characters can explore and defend. In The Strange, your characters change with each world they travel to, taking on new aspects suited to help them function in that recursion's unique laws and structures. But dangers found in these recursions threaten not only characters, but also our very own Earth. If characters persevere, however, they can not only save themselves and Earth, they may even gain the ability to create a recursion of their own!"


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« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2013, 05:56:02 pm »
Hey fellow RPG-ers,

Anyone interested in putting together a p&p RPG for our beloved The Second Apocalypse world?

Again and again i come back to this thought. Scott himself played in his creation (as he tells it, it was a game setting long before it became a setting for novels) and i do think it'd be a glorious roleplaying world.

So, any takers? We could make an own thread for brainstorming if enough people are interested.
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« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2013, 06:33:00 pm »
Are we talking a complete rules/world adaptation, or world adaptation within an existing ruleset?  I tingle at the prospect...
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« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2013, 02:44:52 am »
What rule set are you considering?

I'd try to go for something simpler that the D&D or Pathfinder rules, that has some publicly accessible rules document.


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« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2013, 04:33:14 am »
I agree re d&d/pathfinder.  Even though I personally like pathfinder, I find the arbitrary class-based systems too confining for my tastes.  I admire the way Skyrim handles advancement, but the trick would be to port that to p&p style.   A system where you're free to develop a character any way you choose would be ideal, Imo.  Anyone aware of a 'universal' system like that?
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« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2013, 04:49:52 am »

Haven't tried it myself but might be worth a look.

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« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2013, 09:52:08 am »
Some day I'll find myself at a DnD table, but it is not this day.
Come play Rifts instead! Be a magic user riding a sky cycle, fighting demons and giant mecha along with your buddies, a full conversion cyborg and a hobo!

Well, that's how my campaigns going at the moment!


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« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2013, 04:35:34 pm »
Some day I'll find myself at a DnD table, but it is not this day.
Come play Rifts instead! Be a magic user riding a sky cycle, fighting demons and giant mecha along with your buddies, a full conversion cyborg and a hobo!

Well, that's how my campaigns going at the moment!

I think Matt Stover used Rifts? He had a campaign where people could turn into the superhero they most admired or somesuch, so he decided packs of teens turned into feral Wolverines plagued his post apocalyptic world. :-)