Identity of the Mutilated

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Simas Polchias

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« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2018, 05:01:40 am »
Fair enough. I should have said I don't see the point of the self harm in this case.

Remember how Kellhus surprised an terrified Akka by absorbing cutting-edge knowledge like logic or gnosis and instantly jumping to their advanced, unknown forms? It was mostly possible because he's a brilliant student, but also because Akka is a great teacher capable of conveying difficult concepts with ease.

Now imagine all troubles of studying a tekne from two broken inchoroi relicts, who were not the brightest insects in the swarm even before that velvet duniyain revolution. On the one hand, mistakes would certainly have a place. On the other hand, duniyain are capable of vivisecting themselves if they consider it a shortest path to extracting the scientific knowledge they need.

Mutilated are so Moenghus the Cishaurim.