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Messages - profgrape

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General Earwa / Re: *If* Khellus is sending the NC dreams...
« on: November 18, 2014, 05:35:21 pm »
Then Kellhus is trying to help Akka along the way. He is goading him to continue to Ishual. The way is far and arduous, and since it seems like Kellhus wants Akka to find Ishual, then its likely another crutch for the old man.

Agreed, all signs point toward Ishual being the destination.  If the TUC excerpt dream is any indication, the HS seems like the most likely purpose for the whole thing.  Although I also wonder if Akka is only an escort for Mimara. 

Either way, pushing Akka into doing it makes some sort of sense as it's extremely unlikely that the Consult would suspect that his actions would lead back to Khellus. 

I do disagree, though, that the PoN dreams are less connected to the timing of events. The only example I can come up with right now is in TDTCB just before Kellhus arrives on scene, Akka dreams the night before of the Celmoman Prophesy. The very next day, the Harbinger comes. The POVs are split and separated more, and I think the timing of the dreams and what they portend might be more obfuscated in PoN, but the meanings are still there.

Good point.  I always thought the timing of Akka'a Celmoman Prophecy dream and Khellus' arrival was dramatic license.  But it's also a strong counterexample to my conclusion on the timing of PON's dreams.

Do we know whether Mandati share a common "dream schedule"?  Meaning, when Akka has the Cel dream, do all Mandati have it as well?

General Earwa / *If* Khellus is sending the NC dreams...
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:28:29 pm »
I know this has been discussed (and possibly debunked) before -- apologies in advance forBut I wanted to revisit the idea that Khellus is behind Akka's NC dreams. 

In the TUC Ishual excerpt, Mimara specifically comments on the timing of the dreams.  And I wholeheartedly agree with lockesnow's comment here that RSB isn't going to throw out a statement like this unless it's important.

The "timing" suggestion led many of us (I can't be the only right, at least) to go over each of both series' dreams with a fine-toothed comb.  And those that did probably came away with the same conclusion as me: PON's Seswatha dreams had little if any correlation to the events of the series, AA's Nau-Cayuti's dreams do. 

Specifically, the Nau-Cayuti dreams tend to act as "that which comes before" for Akka, pushing him to act.  Combine that with the traveller's visit to the Skin Eaters in TJE prologue and Mimara running away to find Akka, the whole thing starts to feel incredibly... Conditioned. 

In true No-God fashion, I have only questions at this point.  Assuming that Khellus is behind the well-timed NC dreams:

1) What is he after?

2) How did Khellus discovered what really happened to NC?  Or is all just an elaborate lie to push Akka toward the answer to 1)?

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Major Players
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:01:24 pm »
Just to be annoying, I'll add Nin'Janjin to the list. 

General Earwa / Re: Why "Consult"?
« on: November 12, 2014, 05:21:20 pm »
That's a reasonable assumption. But  it's never explicitly called out bothers. He basically just disappears after striking down Cu'Jara Cinmoi, the most renowned Nonmen King in history. If Nin was killed, I'd expect it to be mentioned somewhere. 

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: The Consult and the Sranc
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:30:05 pm »
I think the biggest reason why they haven't done it before is that while it would do some damage, it would ultimately work against the Consult's goals.

First, it would be incredibly hard to get the legion to an area where it could really do some damage.  They'd have to sneak by Sakarpus.  And then get through the Kethol Pass.  Given that it's more-or-less the TS gateway to the North, I can't imagine that it isn't carefully watched if not well-defended.  It seems like a mass of frenzied Sranc in a confined space would be easy fodder, especially when you add sorcerors to the mix.

Supposing that even if they somehow manage to get past Sakarpus *and* get through the Kethol Pass,  it probably wouldn't happen so fast that the other countries couldn't mount a formidable defense.  In the long run, it would only serve to unite the disparate Three Seas nations against the Consult.   In the PON, the Consult's whole MO was to avoid a united resistance by Man and remaining in the shadows until the No-God could be resurrected. 

That all being said, with the majority of the TS military might in the field and chaos throughout the Empire, it wouldn't be a huge surprise if this sort of thing happened in TUC. :-)

General Earwa / Re: Why "Consult"?
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:52:27 pm »
i'm confused about Shae's place--in The False Sun, he seems replaceable, but in TUC ch 1 excerpt, Akka dubs him as 'Lord of the Consult' presumably from Akka's knowledge of Seswatha's interactions with the Consult

According to the timeline, about a thousand years elapses between TFS and TFA.  Plenty of time for the nervous schemer of TFS to become the "Lord of the Consult".  Still, it's impressive that a human ends up leading over luminaries such as Aurang, Aurax, Mekertrig and (maybe) Nin'Janjin.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: The space between the gods
« on: November 03, 2014, 03:01:52 am »
Interesting, then, that Cu'jara Cinmoi put the first Inchoroi ambassadors to death because their words had no meaning. I'd originally thought this was another way of saying that the Inchoroi's language was indecipherable. But now I'm wondering if it was meant to be taken literally...

General Earwa / Re: Is Mek still in league with the Consult?
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:04:13 pm »
Kind of a tangent, but is it assumed that Aurang is referring to the Celmoman prophecy?  Or it this yet another unknown variable?

General Earwa / Re: Is Mek still in league with the Consult?
« on: October 30, 2014, 05:08:56 pm »
Good points as always, Wilshire.  I feel for the Consult as I've a couple of employees who seem to be Erratics. 

As for what's the Consult's end game, I agree with your last suggestion.  There's no reason to take a potential asset out of play until the game is over. 

General Earwa / Is Mek still in league with the Consult?
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:36:56 pm »
There's a strong possibility that Mek is no longer working directly with the Consult. 

Imagine you're the Consult. You know  the Celmonan prophecy. Then one of your prominent members (Mek) runs into an Anasurimbor wandering the wilderness in a place where men don't really live. Assuming you learn this information, wouldn't you move every asset you have into the Demua mountains to find this dude? 

The fact that this didn't seem to happen suggests  that Mek didn't pass along that intel. Which could just come down to his being Erratic and therefore, unreliable. But it could also indicate some kind of rift.

General Earwa / Re: Why "Consult"?
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:52:47 pm »
I found it -- it's in TTT.  The context is different from what I remembered, though.  It's when Khellus is talking to Esme-Aurang

"Across the world in Golgotterath," Khellus gasped, still stamping out the coals of his manic lust, "the Mangaecca squat about your true flesh, rocking to the mutter of endless Cants."

As Esme-Aurang doesn't dispute his assertion, it seems likely that it's true (how Khellus knows all this is another question, however).  This points to Aurang being in close contact with the mothership throughout the series.

To Wilshire's point, that description sounds an awful lot like Shae, indeed.  :)

General Earwa / Re: Why "Consult"?
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:13:21 pm »
I could have sworn that somewhere in PON is a scene where we're told that it takes a handful of sorcerers to keep Aurang in his Synthese  body.  If that's true, it follows that Aurang is still in close contact with his Consult homeboys.

On a related note, I'd always assumed that the Consult's HQ is in Golgotterath -- how about you all?

General Earwa / Why "Consult"?
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:37:43 am »
Of all the obtuse and peculiar names RSB could have chosen for his big bad, why "Consult"? 

The most obvious answer is that they're peddling both the revelations of the IF and their path to salvation.  And also, they hold all of the secrets -- to Earwans and to us readers.

But still, it seems like a strange and therefore deliberate choice, right?  What's the message here?

And because I can't resist, just like in our world, the Consult is mostly interested in coming into an organization and facilitating mass downsizing. :-) 

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: The space between the gods
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:53:40 pm »
Good point.  Definitely plenty of time before the Cuno-Inchoroi wars to develop a theory or 2 about that sort of thing.

I associate the idea of worshipping the unknown with "not knowing" in Zen Buddhism. 

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: The space between the gods
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:24:18 pm »
If in fact that the Nonmen do this as a means to blur their Mark or attempt to avoid damnation, it implies that they are have some idea about Earwa's peculiar metaphysics. I write "some idea" as the Emmisary is clearly interested in Khellus' experiences in the Outside.

We know that the Sohonc (Titurga specifically) learned a similar technique from the Nonmen. From whom did the Nonmen learn this?  Wondering if the Inchoroi shared this tidbit. And if so, why...

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