Excellent article. I agree with all its conclusions. I don't expect the great finale that the saga deserves, I expect only a shitty end. And even if Jon has to sacrifice Dany to destroy the Others (as we can infer with the story of Azor Ahai) or viceversa it will be shitty for me, because I want cruel death to all this fucking dumb Starkgaryens.
I specially hate the fact that all the characters that use the intellect to rise to power are all dead by now, Tywin, Littlefinger, Olena Tyrell... (we have the exception of Sansa who has finally learned to use whats inside her beautiful head). The message is pretty disappointing: be brave and you will win, you don't have to use your wits, only to be pretty and bold, and Sam will produce a book that says you are a fucking Targaryen or Tyrion will rule for you while you can burn people who don't like you, and sure finally you will roast the Night King's ass with your dragons (in a battle without any militar sense - I bet for that) and you can happily rule over Westeros banging your relatives and having normal and not retard babies ever after.