Well she still has the Chorae in fact she has two now, well at that point she did.
She does, but she doesn't use them in that sequence. There is no mention of it.
She did affect reality in the mountain. She forgave Galian (sp?) she also has the ability to know things she cannot know about the material world. This could be an extension of knowledge , just like sorcery is.
She knows things, yes. So far, it's her "common" supernatural power, which is well observed. The Wight incident is the only exception, and it required additional tools and very specific circumstances.
Forgiving Galian changed nothing save for her (and possibly the Judging Eye's, though it's less clear) perception of him.
Obviously, nothing is conclusive, but it looks much more like a stylistic thing than a narrative one, and has a clear purpose as such. There is no need to add some new supernatural power to Mimara's arsenal. At least, as of yet. You can still be very right.