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« on: June 22, 2016, 11:12:52 am »
Hi Scott,

A few questions if I may:

1) Do more Inchoroi exist at this point in the story than the two we know?
2) How much power do these two have left, if you compare them to earlier in their life?
3) Does the God of Gods live in the Outside like The Hundred, or is he present in Earwa as well?
4) In one of the old Three Seas threads, you mentioned the following, or at least this was a summary of what you said:

Originally, among the Men of Eanna, magic was the monopoly of the Shamans. They were of the Few, their souls recalling the God of Gods in near-perfect proportion, and were also considered holy, with a direct line to the will of the divine. They were Prophets and Sorcerers in one (to the point that this distinction was meaningless then).

At some point (still in Eanna, long before the Tusk), individuals arose who claimed to represent the Gods as Prophets, but who were not of the Few, and whose souls did not have any special recollection of the God of Gods. This perhaps gave the Gods a means of bypassing the God of Gods' influence and interfering in the World themselves, each with their own individual agenda.

Probably the Gods gave their Prophets 'magical' powers (miracles/thaumaturgy), but these remained under the control/will of the Gods, not of the Prophets themselves.

There was eventually a conflict (initially political/philosohical, but eventually violent) between the Shamans and the Prophets. The Prophets won and outlawed/condemned Sorcery.

The Prophets monopolised the claim of representing the divine. This was the beginning of recognisable Kiunnat beliefs, with the Gods and their laws as pre-eminent and the God of Gods as an impotent 'placeholder' to represent the Gods as a collective.

So questions:

a) Were Inri Sejenus and Fane shamans? Their power was real? Or were they more like prophets?
b) If the Hundred are parts of the God of Gods, why are they trying to suppress him? Why is there a battle between the Hundred and the God of Gods?

5) Who in today's world is capable of practicing the Metagnosis?

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« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2016, 12:18:39 pm »
Many questions, most requiring answers that would count as 'world spoilers.' The fact you're asking them makes me think I've done well to give the narrative the job of world relating! You're asking all the questions I want readers to be asking at this point. I can tell you though, because it's buried in the text already, that aside from Serwa, only Apperens Sacarrees is rumoured to have successfully recited a metagnostic cant.


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« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2016, 12:57:21 pm »
The info on the Inchoroi is pretty scarce, they remain very mysterious. I am always interested in what their abilities are, what differentiates them from other Consult members.

The two seem reduced from what they were, but I am not sure to what extent since they still have supernatural abilities. I suppose more will be revealed in TGO and TUC.

Likewise I have always wondered if Inri Sejenus and Fane were normal men touched by visions, or more than that still, possible pre-cursors to what Kellhus is in some way. They founded whole religions after all, was that through the power of their speech, or revelations of other sorts. And thus my mind wanders.. :)

« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 01:00:54 pm by Mithfânion »
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.