Miscellaneous Chatter > Philosophy & Science

God Particle

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: The Sharmat ---So how 'bout that Higgs-Boson that's maybe just been discovered? Shocked there's no thread on this.

Technically speaking of course, it hasn't been demonstrated that this is the Higgs-Boson yet. Just that it's a new fundamental particle with the predicted mass. Huge discovery either way.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Francis Buck ---Yeah, I was pretty tickled when I first read the headlines. I'm into all of the sciences, but particle physics (and to a lesser extent astro-physics) always have a special place in my heart. Of course, as always there's going to be a sizable amount of time and research that needs to take place before anybody can (somewhat) definitively claim the HB to "officially exist". Regardless, it makes me wonder where the Standard Model is headed in the next ten years, particularly when it comes to our knowledge of gravity (assuming the HB does, in fact, exist...which at this point I'd have to my money on).
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: The Sharmat ---I'm disappointed honestly. The Standard Model sucks and I wish it would be disproven. If it turns out to be true, we're pretty fucked.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---Noob question: Why does it get such an inflamitory name as 'god particle'?
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Wilshire ---Because the higgs boson is what "gives" things mass. Without it nothing would exist... in theory. Or at least nothing with mass would exist.

That, or maybe the fella who named it wasnt a big fan of religion.
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